
Gonna go with “$100 more than stevman18's car”

Honorary Bills Mafia


“And I will beat the shit out of any whippersnapper who says differently!” -Also Buzz Aldrin

I’ve heard something similar from my fellow BFIB idiots- the logic (apparently) is that batters should be trying to get on base, so that when a home run does come, it’s a multi-run affair.

It was the last year of his contract. The Post-June-1st-Cut designation is designed to space out the cap hit from accelerating guaranteed money from all contract’s remaining years. So it would have counted the same no matter when they cut him.

By contrast, look what happened when HitchBot asked for a ride in Philly.


I gave you the star, even though the thought of Kevin Gilbride reproducing fills me with disgust and fear.

I think you are underestimating the Imperial Military-Industrial Complex. You think BoeLockheeBAE isn’t taking notes?

Consider if there might be a reason other than some Vast Gizmodo Conspiracy that motorcycle crash stories and videos are common.

Sorry- although “shit happens,” shit like this doesn’t just happen. British and American law even have a doctrine (in Latin, no less!) to cover it- res ipsa loquitor. Here are the elements- judge for yourself if a body part falling off within two minute of the start of a track day doesn’t satisfy it.

You’re right. They shouldn’t get the Apple fanboys’ loins all moist and aquiver for nothing...

“Relented”. Not “reneged”.

Excuse me- I believe the term is “trash panda”...

The hell you say! If anything, he is ranked too low. The McDonalds’ moon guy has an illegitimate love child with Satan the Beast of a Thousand Horns and BOLTMAN!!! was the unholy, awesome result

I am inferring a bit, but I have to imagine that part of convincing Sutton to skip half his senior year of high school involved representations that he would have the opportunity to make more than four catches.

Jesus, ESPN is just firing’d think they would at least let him stay around until the end of the segment...

“We’re gonna have the classiest giant floaty things. Bigley destructive, and really impressive when sailing into peers in other countries.”

There’s a successor site, btw, where the doorfliesopen at all hours