
Sean Connery.

HA! I get it now! You were beaten as a child and it’s funny!

This happened yesterday. It was charged today. There is no such thing as a 1-day statute of limitations.

What else are The Poors supposed to do for healthcare?

They screwed up the Jets and Giants too.

This is the rocket equivalent of “rich Corinthian leather” right?

Actually, it is bad business practice. If your entire job is premised on having Hot Taeks and you a. give an actual substantive apology and b. explicitly back off from something you said, then it undermines the Hotness of all of your other Taeks.

I assume they keep a small but constant supply of young orphans so that they can harvest organs as needed.


I’m not saying I would kill any four random strangers for the Bills to go 10-6 and make the playoffs at all.

Did I miss the part where you no longer need press credentials to get into the briefings? Because that’s what I thought the threat was- if you record when we tell you not to, we’re yanking your credentials.

If it can fit a bear, it can fit a dog.


Keep telling yourself whatever you need to sleep at night. Deep down, you still know how filthy this makes you.

So yes, the NFLPA is weaker than my 86 year-old grandmother and she’s been dead for a year.

I have to say, the no-seat provisions impressed attorney-me. Someone in the legal department had the paranoia and imagination to predict the non-obvious-but-probably-inevitable “FCA knowingly and/or recklessly sold the Vehicle to the general public despite the design and/or manufacturing flaw of not having seats where

I would have watched Guy Ritchie’s Arthur Movie if it ended with some random knight with a Cockney accent pulling the sword.

+1 edge-of-rage-stroke double-fingerpoint

I was once accused by a defendant of “defamatory filing that denigrates [his] character.” It was an indictment for manslaughter. Of course it made him look bad.

Commentators: you are all drunk on Undeserved 80s Nostalgia. Put down the keyboard, go home and sleep it off. There is no such thing as “so bad it’s great”.