
Don’t they open inwards?

There are many ways that sports articles can be linked back to political headlines through jokes. This is not one of them.

He must be referring to the ship’s acceleration.

Usually when racists who like to root for losers want a vanity license plate they go for the confederate flag one.

The Washington plate isn’t as embarrassing as the Patriots plate.

A brake check? I never saw the brake light flash. He might have pulled his foot off the gas but that isn’t a brake check. Now Vettel hitting Hamilton from the side was clear and deliberate - Vettel should have been black flagged and gotten a one race ban, and I am personally a bigger fan of Vettel than I am of

Gotta make sure there’s a clear path to the show for Tebow.

Having listened to the attached clip I believe the targets of his ire was as follows: The English language, the person in charge of mic levels on First Take, and everyone waiting for their car to get fixed across America.


Roasts are like major surgery. Even in the hands of a professional it’s going to be a little uncomfortable. But in the hands of an amateur, there’s a good chance you might bleed out before it’s over.

My gut feeling: This is payback for either Mahomes or for rudely firing Maclin, a Reid guy through and through AND the only non-laughable WR the Chiefs have.

One man was charged with the real-sounding crime of “unlawful use of a two way communication device.”

“after complaints from residents”

Really? The White House feels are hurt if they are caught lying out of their own ass? Such precious snowflakes in need of a safe space.

He can’t drive stick, a bike is kinda different

I’d suggest the swerve may have been reaction to a jolt/noise. It’s possible the car didn’t even know there was a bike there in the first place and just gut reaction swerved when it happened. Can’t really tell from the video. I’ve seen enough tunnel vision drivers that if they got a hit to their vehicle coming out


Well it wouldn’t be a heat related crack and that’s kind of the point.


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