Viacom has a 50% ownership stake in The CW, a network from which The AV Club and draw more than 50% of their daily content.
Viacom has a 50% ownership stake in The CW, a network from which The AV Club and draw more than 50% of their daily content.
Sure seems like SyFy is all-in on Alan Tudyk lately, doesn’t it?
Marvel should bet on a mix of some recurring series and some limited ones. Not every concept needs to be stretched to the breaking point, while some stories are better told in a traditional format that leaves potential for more episodes.
Greenwald’s ass got fired, FTR.
Bernie can never fail; he can only be failed by others. /S
“Why the fuck did you say that fucking name?”
He showed us who he was with the covid antics and we somehow didn’t believe him. Shame on us.
Maybe it’s time for bystanders to start treating cops as assailants and standing up to them. This is a form of bullying and the only way they’re going to stop is to catch one in the face themselves at some point.
I thought it was rather interesting that we didn’t get to see which direction to cops drove away in... Was it right back into town or the direction Monica drove in from?
God of Bore.
So it’s going to be a “Snyder Cut vs Falcon & Winter Soldier” weekend, eh? Yeah, don’t act like we don’t all know why they plugged this into the Thursday before the next Marvel premiere when they could have gone a week earlier and had no competition during the Disney+ week off between MCU series...
Discord: We helped plan the Jan 6th Trump Insurrection!
In addition to being one of those modern internet companies that are magically kept afloat by copious amounts of Wall Street investment, Discord is also responsible for hosting the servers that coordinated the 2017 Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville as well as the Jan 6th Trump Insurrection in Washington, D.C.
Kinja, the comment platform in which you participate, contains plenty of racist shitlords too. Do they speak for you?
Hmm, Jezebel and The Root both playing the “Not Good Enough” game with President Biden today. Almost as though the editors of these supposedly liberals sites aren’t as liberal as we’re led to believe!
The irony of BuriedAliveOpener’s reply to you is that he’s one of the leftist crowd who routinely brings up the 1994 Crime Bill to hold against certain Democrats including Hillary who didn’t even get a vote on it (but never Bernie Sanders, who did). Now he’s whining about bringing up stuff “from two decades ago.”
You just might be the first leftist I’ve ever seen take a break from your non-stop Democrat Derangement Syndrome to acknowledge that Republicans exist.
That executive order doesn’t include doesn’t apply to Department of Homeland Security affiliated facilities.
I lived at home for the first 11 months after I graduated, meaning I paid essentially no bills (no rent, my parents didn’t make me contribute to shared groceries, no cable, no utilities, etc.). After that, for another 6 months I lived with my fiance/wife in a long-term housesitting situation, which meant some bills…