Knope Grope is Last Hope

You’re talking about a large subsection of the population that still votes Republican though. There are plenty of poor white people who vote for white grievance politics over things like healthcare reform. Their situation is thus largely their own fault for supporting the kinds of politicians that actively stand in

You neohippies love going back 30 years about the Crime Bill, but when it comes to health care reform, it’s not allowed? Eat shit.

I can dismiss replies too, you braindead sycophant.

No really, I get it, the hypocrisy of braindead sycophants like you is quite clear. Bernie can vote for bad bills if he creates some cover for himself, but any other politician that does anything similar is a neoliberal centrist shill to people like you. Again, the hypocrisy is quite clear.

No “I’m sorry,” no accountability, no remorse. That’s not what an apology looks like, you ignorant fuckface.

The one YouTuber told their fans to not harass the other and just respect their boundaries”

Your argument boils down to “There will always be toxic fans so why bother?” It’s a bad argument. 

Where’s Bernie’s apology for his Yes vote on the Crime Bill?

Except it’s hugely disingenuous for the same people giving Bernie Sanders a pass for voting for the bill to try to hold anyone else’s feet to the fire for it. Get your own house in order first maybe. 

The only person blameless for the Crime Bill is Bernie Sanders, who voted for it and defended his vote for it repeatedly.

I don’t care about any apology he makes.

“You’re not very smart but it’s clear that you’re getting high on your own bullshit.”

What neohippies like Esther Wang fail to grasp is that Democrat’s control over the Senate is not permanent, and the idea of future Republicans with no check from a Democratic filibuster is a Very Bad Thing. It will mean federal laws targeting abortion access nationwide, rolling back civil rights even more than the


Let it fucking go already.

Yep, nothing screams “authentic” more than a socialist in his second $600 winter coat.

Clinton Derangement Syndrome never goes out of style at Jezebel!

I was with you right up until “Jezebel and Splinter are (were) firmly rooted in centrism.” Splinter literally had authors who tweeted “Bernie Sanders is my daddy!” (who in their current incarnation are smearing Biden for not sending them $2600 or more) and never met an anti-Democratic take they would not publish.

“Bring back The Splinter”

Dan’s advice reduces the third participant to a living sex toy that the main couple can keep in the dark about the risks of being with them, which is pretty despicable.