knobby styles

People voluntarily choose to do things that are wrong, dangerous, ill-informed, stupid, self-destructive, short-sighted and therefore detrimental to society all the time. The role of government is to strike a balance between absolute personal freedom, which would be anarchy, and total control, which would be

No matter how hard you try, two things will always be true:

Nope. I saw the original in 1977 and adored TLJ, and ditto for my wife on both counts. Actually, I have trouble believing most of the haters are old enough to have done so. Maybe they are, but they sure don’t sound like it. 

Also, “Why is i09 obsessed with one of the largest sci-fi/fantasy properties in world history!?!”

Honestly, am I the only person who saw”Star Wars” before it was titled “Episode IV: A New Hope” and loved it that doesn’t hate “The Last Jedi” with the white hot passion of a thousand O class stars?

Commence “THE ONLY THING LAST JEDI SPOILED WAS MY LOVE OF STAR WARS” trolling in 3.... 2.... 1....

Even with nothing but music, TLJ haters will still whine, moan, complain and act as if they’re personally being persecuted by a movie just because they didn’t like it.

Yeah, Charles is showing his ass here. None of this is cultural appropriation in the slightest.

> It is, in the most literal sense of the phrase, cultural appropriation

Maybe it’s my nostalgia goggles, but there is something to be said for the physical presence of a really big guy in makeup like Ferrigno as Hulk over a CGI Hulk. And Bill Bixby did a good job of making you feel for Banner in the most ridiculous scenarios.

Hey, I grew up with this show. It was a hell of a lot better than the Spider-Man show or the Dr. Strange TV movie.

And that is exactly what I’m afraid of. I hate that they gave the last movie to Abrams, because the guy has no idea how to end a story in a satisfying way. On top of that, I feel that there’s the possibility he would change what Rian Johnson did with her lineage.

What about it do you think is a plot hole? The fact that nobody’s ever tried it before? It’s a desperation tactic that sacrifices a capital ship. The Rebels/Resistance never had them in enough numbers to be able to make the tactic viable (one of the major points in the movie is that Leia’s not dumb enough to fight a

Nah. All this whining about TLJ is coming from folks who realize they look a lot more like the baddies and don’t want to be bothered with introspection.


Luke of The Last Jedi was 100% more badass and awesome than he ever was in the original trilogy.

I am a Star Wars nerd who consumed every piece of Star Wars media for the first 10 years of the EU, and I find this movie one of the most fascinating, lore-building and affirming movies in a long, long time.

I’ve been pushing for Rey to be a nobody ever since TFA and I’m thrilled to see them follow up on it. Making her a Skywalker/Kenobi/Hutt just makes the universe smaller. A hero (or villain!) could arise from the humblest, most ignoble roots.