knobby styles

Christmas and horror always go together, but they are adding musical. Excellent.

Those rich assholes are also caught in suffering as well. They might not be the horses getting electrocuted or the slaves getting beaten but they still need to play the slots. Samsara 

Agree, but maybe we’ve had the experience of know things change.

Thank you I came to make almost this exact post. It’s smug and only deserving of a kids Youtube channel. 

Please don’t pull that “fixed it” posts, it was childish and bad mannered years ago and thankfully seems to have gone out of fashion. It demeans your argument. 

Same age same memories. I think we were very privileged   

The real Atari VHS artwork is utterly brilliant apart from fonts to me these really don’t capture the style. BTW theres a brilliant book on the art of Atari

He’s also dressed as an agent of SHIELD not SWAT he wearing a SHEILD badge on his arm

It’s a Cylon!

Three great former versions. Herzog’s is a great film. Can anything new be added ?

Great spots with cross and spear in side. Totally missed the symbolism of the bolt. The cross actually reminded me of Conan. Conan searches for Doom, in revenge for killing his family, is caught and hung on the cross. 

I didn’t get Christ, but certainly Moses and Mohammad.

The Searchers meets Conan meets Exodus. It is wonderful!

click here for a large version” click 404 Not

Thanks great read

I think Stark is just using Peter. Peter is looking for a father figure, Stark needs power people on his side. Its abusive. Stark will really claim or even think he’s helping Peter. Peter will realise this by the end of the film.

It hasn’t worked

While taking a lot of horror here as anyone seen “under the shadow” I found it terrifying. But even if you don’t, it’s a very well made horror.

I’m the same, and was about to almost post word for word what you said. I found the original to be wonderful and Herzog’s might even be better.