knobby styles

Yeah — and it’s uncanny valley in a distinctly human direction. These aren’t the faces of animals. These are human faces on animals. Tigers, wolves, bears — they don’t look like this.

Serkis may be the king of mo-cap, but from the trailer it’s not translated well into the creatures. Very uncanny valley. Considering the movie was delayed for 2 years (according to the studio to work on SFX), it seems...unfinished? Maybe just needs tweaking?

The problem is that it is extremely effective, Charles’ post has 12.2k views as of now.  He doesn’t care what he writes, as you can tell by the fact that he never responds to any commenters.  His job is to get clicks, and his lazy race baiting articles do that.

We lost the likes of Rob Bricken, Charlie Jane Anders, Katherine Trendacosta, et al, and with all due respect to them, Charles and Julie just don’t feel anywhere near their level.

The old guard were sci-fi first, while the new line are more about the social impacts and clickbait. Quite possibly this is an editorial

Next thing Charles writes, let’s get together and find ways to “find” it antisemitic and anti-Hispanic.

Following the twist, their rivalry morphs into a story about a white woman seeking to unseat a multiracial, black woman from her social station—specifically by exposing the truth about her heritage. The term “half-breed” should be seen as quite loaded in this context.

Man, it must be great to make a living being a professional pop culture race-baiter.

I’m English! Still only recognised Lee Mack, Alan Cumming and Mark Addy...

No, you’re kinda over-thinking it.

1,000% this. Refreshing from a narrative perspective, but it also established what really is the central theme of the film: anyone can be a hero.

It was so smartly handled. So crisp and decisive, it was like a splash of cold water in the face. I’ve written this before, but the whole movie I was dreading the lead-up to the inevitable reveal because any connection they gave Rey to the established dynasties would have felt so anemic. I felt equal parts relief and

I’ve said this before, but making Rey’s parents nobodies was one of the best things Last Jedi did and I’ll be very disappointed if they go back on that. In today’s climate especially, the idea that you need the right “bloodline” or “heritage” to matter is really fucking problematic, to say the least.

But see, as much as I like Marvel movies, they are not going to have the emotional depth of Moonlight. They will not display the lyrical beauty of Shape of Water. You say snobbery, I say standards.

Yeah "snotty critics" are still better than the million of YouTube shills.

as long as there is some reasonable criteria to define ‘professional film critic’ - adding more is fine...
but if it’s just a bunch of youtube assholes then, well...we know how that will work out...
it would be VERY interesting to retroactively add in all the reviews of these new critics to the site - and see if

I have been waiting to see Anna and the Apocalypse since I heard about it last year. I heard the premise and was instantly in love and then was instantly upset I could find it playing no where and hadn’t been able to even find it by _other means_ for the past year.

That sequence was also crucial in showing that even in that universe, there are rich assholes feeding off [human] misery. But hey, let’s just ignore that disturbing tidbit because assholes can’t handle an Asian woman in their Star Wars (which isn’t to say everyone hated it for that reason).

There are plenty of stories in star wars about bad ass pilots. The whole fucking point of the canto bight sidequest was to show that this whole thing, the galactic war that’s been raging for 60 years doesn’t just effect badass pilots and Jedi, but it effects regular people, people who have been enslaved because of

I might go with D: who the fuck (other than the Road Runner) put a hole on the ground that doesn’t look like a hole, and doesn’t surround it with a chain or barrier of some sort.

This! Thank you. While I don’t disdain The Force Awakens, it’s so overly familiar that one might think it was a remake in some parts or even just a modern day adaptation of A New Hope. The Last Jedi is the first of the new batch of Star Wars films that actually felt fresh and like it was taking the franchise in new