knobby styles

That’s overthinking. How do you even envision removing Ledger from The Dark Knight? It’s like removing Ford from Star Wars or Bogart from Casablanca. Those characters are an inherent part of the movie. It’s impossible to judge the work without them. It’s obvious that if you remove arbitrarily greatest part of any

Geez, slicetoast, are you me? I correlate my life experiences on the timeline B.S.W. “before Star Wars” and A.S.W. “after Star Wars”.

I was ten years old that summer. I’ll let you in on a little ditty of a story of how big it was... the morning I read that Elvis had died (Aug. ‘77), the FIRST thing that popped into my head was ‘sniff sniff, I wonder if he got to see Star Wars?’.

Shhh, the Cultural Snobberati have deemed BladeRunner 2049 a holy relice and it must not be questioned.

And, yeah, also it’s a 3 hour movie.

Yes, that’s why they binge-watch nine hours of ‘Stranger Things’ in a single sitting—because of their short attention spans!

Get fucked.

Oh I get it, you’re an EA executive. That’s why you’re so hostile towards people that are justifiably angry with EA and cynical about what they’ll do in the future. Now it makes total sense why you’re a complete ass hole.

What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.

Tolkien’s own works are a world apart from his imitators, though. For one thing, Middle-Earth isn’t really Medieval European fantasy; it takes more cues from the Saxons of the Viking Age, ancient Rome and other earlier eras than it does from the Medieval period. And though it codified the genre of high fantasy, it

Yeah a series based on the original Howard stories would be awesome. I just reread Beyond the Black River and it’s still a damn fine story.

I’m no fashion guru, so I won’t pass judgement until I see it in motion. Right now it looks a bit too similar to a certain other TV alien, but even if I don’t like it I imagine it will evolve. Capaldi’s outfit varied a lot during his run.

Ridley Scott has two brilliant sci-fi children in Alien and Blade Runner, but for reasons I cannot understand, he’s always favored the AI film over the xenomorph. And given his track record, it’s become increasingly clear that Alien was more about a perfect alchemy of talent rather than his specific vision. I wish

*shrug* To each his own, but I am enjoying it more than I though I would. Mainly because I’m liking the “A-HA!” moments it gives me, like the parallels between the Pahvans and Organians. Katherine is correct about one thing: This particular episode was a mess of half-realized subplots that never really paid off, but I

“Forcing (heh)

This is a phenomenally bad plan. The LotR movies weren’t that long ago and they are one of, if not the, best movie trilogies ever made. It’s going to be constantly compared to the movies, and it isn’t going to come out favorably in that matchup. I mean, they might get some terrific actors and do some really fantastic

I’d much rather they did The Silmarillion, which would benefit from the breathing space.

Even worse, I thought of John Steed and Mrs Peel, then got the sads.

I can’t WAIT for this show to finally come back... mainly because I have no idea what they’re gonna do this season.

So no Mockingbird on Agents of SHIELD?