knobby styles

For whatever flaws this movie may end up having, there is an overwhelming poignancy seeing Luke at this stage in his life that only Gen-X’ers may fully be able to appreciate.

Could it have been Eight?


Quite honestly? I have long since decided that if I enjoy a show, I stop caring about how it fits with any previous canon and timelines. In fact, I have even come to view discussions on such subjects as shows on their own right. If this thread expands to a full-on discussion, I might as well bring the popcorn.

I’m seeing it next Tuesday here in the UK, so...

Six seasons and a movie!

The Mouse gets what the Mouse wants.

The ads don’t make me want to see this. I kinda hope it’s good, but I have a sick feeling that not only will it fail, it will take Agents of Shield down with it. Which just ain’t fair.

Oh God, your probably right. Even with knowing Charle’s style, I couldn’t quite follow his argument. It seemed too have been conclusion first, argument second. It makes sense when framed as. “Showing white guy with guns is inherently bad.”

I’d love to see him paired with AOS’ Robbie Reyes for a Netflix team-up series.

This is totally in character for the CofE. They interview everyone who wants to do something in one of their churches — and as a group they have a great sense of humour. I was American. When my husband and I married, we did so on the fly and kinda sorta went about it the wrong way. The Bishop of Wells interviewed

“In making Frank its leading man, The Punisher runs the risk of demonstrating how a person like its vigilante hero only works as the semi-villainous foil to more the more grounded heroes around him.” 

Understanding the movie doesn’t mean you’ll enjoy it. I didn’t have any pressing questions after watching it (not really sure why some people don’t understand it, as it’s pretty much spelled out for the audience), but I absolutely hated it. Such a pretentious POS.

And I’m sure we’re in for a slew of “If you didn’t get it, you’re just not clever enough, just go watch Fast and Superhero 19 or whatever, you plebe” arguments defending the movie.

Audiences this movie clearly isn’t made for, didn’t like it....

Now playing

I’m guessing you haven’t seen Coppola’s Twixt, which is basically a home movie he shot in and around his vineyard in Napa. Parts of it look like one of those “interactive” CD-ROMs from the early ‘90s.

Weird how many completely wrong posts are on here, glad people are correcting them.

Is it an unpopular opinion to say that The Defenders was a huge let down?
It had fun moments, but it never leaned into the absurdity of Super heroes vs Ancient ninjas, which at some point you have to.

Oh my goddesses, it’s just a remake of the best Star Wars movie.