knobby styles

Okay, now I’m actually starting to feel sorry for them...

I think the line is meant to diminish Luke as a young, inexperienced nobody and the stormtrooper/clone idea was just a fan theory that grew legs.

I will be *shocked* if there’s not a reveal that he actually had powers and hid them from everyone.

Saw this over the weekend. All in all a very different film then what the title leads you to believe. and thats a good thing.

Ultimately, the cat and mouse chase between Light and L, the themes of good, evil, and what’s in between the gray area. Those are the core things of Death Note, and that’s really what we went for.

Hamfisted exposition.

It looks really good and is getting good reviews.

are you a creator? because I kinda don’t think it is an extreme analogy.

That’s actually quite simple. The Master has crossed their own timeline. Time Lords’ personal timelines are objectively linear. Missy doesn’t remember it because it didn’t happen to her. She is out of sync with the Master-that-was. Much the same way that 11 didn’t remember encountering himself as 10 or as the War

So pat yourself on the back if you said the biggest problem with Prometheus was the fact it didnt have the alien in it.

I’ll happily pay to see it in the theater — just NOT in 3D.

Yeaaaaahhhh... As much as I wanted this to be good, that pic just screams “mid-level SyFy channel show” to me.

Oh that is really unbelievably bad.

That lightsaber is perilously close to her arm.

jeez, yeah. That almost ruined the movie for me, honestly.

It’s also well worth watching the satirical news show Brass Eye. The drugs episode is particularly good, where they convince celebrities to warn people of the dangers of a new drug called cake.

There was a lot of concern trolling about how they were so arrogant to think they could launch a movie with no real stars, a title no one had ever heard of and a tree and a raccoon as the main characters.

the events of the 2008 Hulk movie, which has a weird limbo relationship with the MCU in that it’s both canonical and non-canonical in what it meant for Bruce Banner as a character.

A fair bit, but not horrible, I’d say on a kiddie-gore level it’s about a 6.5/10. The end, however, is one of the most abysmal disappointments in the history of disappointments. Like, worse than any of the crap that M. Night Shyamalanadingdong has vomited out at us.