knobby styles

You’re missing the point...what is he supposed to day? “I should never have been hired for his job” or “the series is shit, oops”?

And I think there’s something to be said for the fact that if a show or movie is genuinely entertaining, critics and audiences are far more forgiving of the more problematic elements. The white messiah trope is a little more easily overlooked if said character is compelling, the story is sharp, and the surrounding

That’s really odd. I thought the EXACT same thing when they focused on the hat. Could have sworn someone wore a similar hat in Alien. .. .

He said Ridley wouldn’t be getting anymore of his money.

So remake of Alien down to the Cowboy hat ?

No thanks. I already watched the two-hour prologue. I’m not giving Ridley Scott any more chances to disappoint me.

Agreed. I didn’t think I’d be interested in another Nosferatu remake after Herzog’s gem but this news has me optimistic!

In Japan, for example, there is a marked cultural difference between the city and the countryside—the inaka (田舎). There are linguistic variations, with people in different rural regions speaking with their own accents and dialects. Often, when people from the countryside move to Tokyo, they try to hide their local

I would respond with two points:

It would be interesting as a curiosity to see, but I’m satisfied* with the final cut of the film so it’s cool. Unlike lots of other movies where you might feel that alternate takes or footage surely exist and might have saved the movie.

The effects don’t go unappreciated. It’s just that people would appreciate them more if they were used in a movie that isn’t total garbage.

Felt unexpected to me. I thought they were getting the regular Star Wars ending where everyone is alive and well (except for ROTS of course), which is also very Disney. Nope. Complete surprise.

Now playing

The past two seasons of Doctor Who have been rough for my wife and I. She is ready to tap out until Moffat is gone, but I am trying to stay with it.

Have you seen the Christmas special trailer? It’s just so.. dull. This does not make me interested at all.

I feel like a lot of people are going to blame Capaldi for all

Moffat gotta Moffat. It just wouldn’t be the same without “old threat, bigger stakes” (hello Weeping Angels) or “Most important girl in the world/universe/everything” (we’ve had two in Moffat’s tenure!). I’ll be the first to point out Davies’ horrible mistakes (Love and Monsters, anyone?) but I’ll be damned if he

How nauseating. By the time series 10 airs we’ll have been over a year with only a single episode of Doctor Who (and one which will also feature Matt frigging Lucas) and the first thing we’re going to hit in the face with when it comes back is more Matt frigging Lucas. I still feel this is Moffat giving viewers the

I think you meant to type ‘lame’ but typed twisted instead.

China is one of the most racist countries in the world so this is really no surprise. And I say that as someone who likes China enough to dedicate their life to studying its culture.

Yes, this is exactly what we need at this moment in history: A movie where a flawless white man uses a giant wall to protect us from inhuman foreign monsters (while grateful, obideint people of color cheer him on; it’s okay, they’re the good ones.)

Usually evil empires don’t do a great job of inspiring the best scientists and engineers to do great work.