knobby styles

Merchandise sales slowing is a terrible reason to just fire an actor.

Of all the things wrong with the last two seasons of who, capaldi is not one of them.

This comment could not be dumber. One pillar of the Avengers, after a personal crisis, decided he needed to work within the system. The other did not, justifiably, it turned out. I was Team Cap from the beginning, but the stakes made perfect sense if you have a brain.

As Eric Morcombe said to Andre Previn, “I’m playing the right notes. Just not in the right order.” Mind you that doesn’t work here either.

Hey man, why you gotta editorialize like that? Some of us here might be Blink fans. What you call shitty, I call anthems for a generation. Plus, Travis is legit one of the greatest drummers of all time. No one can argue that.

Ok, I love Who, don’t get me wrong here. But, that costume looks like something out of a superhero porn parody (or Bibleman). Despite the aesthetics of the costume, I’d be totally jazzed to finally get some new Doctor Who except for Matt Lucas (sans robot body apparently), whom I do not find the least bit

nah, that human Torch is a robot. we don’t need no more stinkin robots

Yeah I used a word that most people know. Fuck me, right?

It’s so edgy how you use “professor” like it’s a pejorative.

Every time one of these stories comes out I am tempted to watch if for the third time to see if somehow I missed this awesome movie everyone keeps raving about. I’d just rather not waste any more time on an overrated movie. Did it have good stunt work, yes it did. Was it a dull movie, yes it was.

Personally, I agree with you. The movie was visually impressive, but narratively dull.

What’s to regret? London presents an excellent argument to be named The Greatest City in The World. Any excuse to spend some time there is a good one.

Turn Left and Utopia remain my among my favorites (Chan-tho be damned). I love the way he brought The Master back, even if it was a little telegraphed.

Good producers don’t always make good writers (Davies) and good writers don’t always make good producers (Moffat).

Counterpoint: this is the only reason I will be turning in, having now realized all I’ve ever wanted to see on TV was a dude with a flaming skull riding a Harley.

Droids are sentient beings enslaved because they are made of metal instead of flesh.

With the assistance of Les Dawson: