
My big issue is that we are temporarily living abroad and everything purchased must be shipped home at great expense, carried home in very limited luggage or donated to charity here. Since baggage requirements are really tight, every little thing adds up, so I am trying to resist purchasing new things that aren’t

I’ve been laid off twice, so I feel your pain. I am currently applying for jobs outside the field my degree is in and NONE of them give me the time of day. I can only get responses from other jobs in my company, and I am just not excited about any of them.

Fellow millennial here. I thought my life was over when I got fired but it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I went from a really toxic work environment to a job and boss I love. If the pay were just a big better (I know I’ll get there though) it would be the perfect job. So everything might feel shitty right

As a super dumb, beginning knitter question: Did you knit this on crazy long needles, or a circular needle, or lots of smaller needles? I’ve only knitted a snood (scarf/hood combo) for the husband, and I used 2 large, straight needles. I would like to do a hat, but it seems like I need like three double pointed

Being laid off sucks at any age, whether you’re younger or older, and I’m sorry this happened to you. I’ve been part of 2 layoffs and I’ve been witness to many others (but not laid off in the process of those.) They always blindside people. Always. It’s horrible.

Maybe the only piece of useful advice I ever got re: jobhunting was if you want to keep doing what you were doing, or have a good idea what you’d like to be doing, go on LinkedIn and find other people doing the same thing. Not to him them up, because at this point that would be like dialing numbers randomly and hoping

FILE as soon as you can! Unemployment loves jerking people around.

Ugh, but this was a layoff, not a firing, right? At least you can put them on your resume with no qualms.

Awesome for almost completing paralegal! As Blue Pen said totally check out your college career center. Perhaps you can get some great job experience or a paid internship that will be a resume booster! Best of luck!

if you put it in a nice basket it’s *decoration*

If you need help, reach out to your colleges career resource center, or your local unemployment office. Do practice interviews if you can, if you need a confidence boost. Do NOT be ashamed to apply for unemployment. I did not apply the first 2 times I was laid off, and should’ve, it would have made things easier.


It sucks to be laid off, but it sucks even more when it’s out of the blue like that. I’ve been laid off three times (all in my 20s), and the Surprise!pink slip was the worst. It was a terrible job that made us miserable, but we were all bummed when our office was shut down.

I finished the back of this sweater and I’ve been working on the front. It’s taking sooo much longer with the cabling, having to check the pattern all the time and counting the rows so I can add stitches where I need to but it’s starting to come together :D Also, half the joy is getting to look at these cute new

Ohhhh that is GORGEOUS! I love blues and browns together and the fade you have going here is especially nice. She’s gonna love it!

I *love* that colorway! It’s gorgeous. I’ve knit that pattern too!

{{{ hugs }}} good luck with the job hunt, new opportunities are coming your way

I celebrated five years sober on Wednesday. It still feels surreal sometimes. My daughter wrote the most beautiful, touching note to me. It was the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. Been a rough week emotionally, these sexual assault revelations are super tough and bring up a lot of stuff. Hope everyone is doing okay.