
Gran Cafe L’Aquila in philly is supposed to be amazing (Italian food).

The Mütter Museum in Philly is awesome if you’re into weird/cool medical stuff!

I always forget how much people idealize this city until I’m traveling and tell people where I’m from and they get all starry-eyed, ha. Sometimes I forget to remember how fortunate I am to live here!

RIP Tom Petty this week,

Hi all! I created this burner to shamelessly brag about my personal life. It might get buried in the greys— oh well!

Yeah, I think it’s really interesting how varied gender presentation/expression is. I think it would actually be cool for drag race to explore that more than focusing so much on the high-femme side.

Not necessarily. I’m friends with a handful of trans guys who perform as drag kings. I think a lot of people use drag as a way to navigate their gender identity.

I watched Catastrophe this summer and was reminded of what a fucking treasure Carrie was.

I get the “stay on point” message, but I am capable of holding more than one or two things in my mind at a time. Just because 45 did this fuckup doesn’t mean I automatically forget about the other fuckups he did. Perpatuating this stance only reinforces the message that “yes, we really are as dumb as they think we

They should make a movie about O’Connor too. Starts life on a ranch with no running water, graduates high school at 16. Gets into Stanford law in 1946, graduates with law degree and a degree in economics, tries to get a job with an LA Law firm and they offer her the position of Secretary.

Robe One?

Damn, Piers gained £10 in his neck 

Here it is. It’s even funnier when you realize how dark it is inside Crisler Arena.

This photo is one of the many reasons that I am very proud to be a graduate of the University of Michigan..

They never would have done it without Rick Snyder’s blessing

You are not alone - it becomes more difficult to make new friends the older you get (I’m 52). Up until your 20s, you are in school then maybe college, and those shared experiences (and the cannot-be-avoided-proximity) promote friendship.

He’s adorable, and I love the name Bellamy

My therapist suggested using Bumble/other dating apps to make other fellow female friends. I would love to know how my face reacted to that. I’m not opposed to online friend-getting... I just can’t bring myself to do it. It’s like dating but almost worse?


I feel like, “how do I make friends now that I’m not college-aged” comes up every few weeks, and I’m always hoping for some magical answer. Of course, the actual answer is get out and do stuff with people. But it is so much harder than it sounds.