
Soooo, we still don’t know the reason behind the button layout. We just know that they used to use something different, and then, POOF, six buttons.

So there’s no trace whatsoever? Even if we can’t see each other, it would be nice to see some kind of a sign, that the other player is there. Something like the signs you leave in Dark Souls games.

I think that’s an excellent argument for “shooting shouldn’t be in the Olympics”, not really for “gaming should be in the Olympics”.

I have always had a hard time getting on board with mega-popular trends like this. Part if me wants desperately to be a part of the rest of the world, but a larger piece is repelled by the very notion. Pokémon Go has been a gleaming reminder of why I get worried when everyone starts talking about the same new thing.

It’s really sad how vile and abrasive some of the comments towards them are. What if they’re telling the truth? They they all just look like assholes. It’s a damn game why do people take this all so personally? Sad times we live in.... people get more up about a digital space than reality.

I still feel like the tunic should be green... But this is a very lovely figure. I already have a Twilight Princess Link though and I couldn’t justify that much for a statue. Unless the 18" Normandy sculpture ever gets a second run. I’d drop the $300 CAD for that easy. Sadly they run more like $1000+ from scalpers...

Nintendo has already thoroughly confirmed that he is definitely a he for all the insane doubters that are still out there who don’t have an understanding of basic anatomy.

Don’t start THAT again

This is a stupid and dangerous reaction to any game, irrespective of my opinion on it.

Hahahaha, as if anyone that excited about a dragonite is going to be able to whoop the ass of anything.

He should have yelled it on the other side of a highway and let Darwinism take its course.

From a Pokemon player? Not likely.

this not a Jerk move... You are sad if you think this is a Jerk move.... ITS A DAMN PHONE GAME PEOPLE.... act like civil humans lol. I play Pokemon GO too, but some of the stuff i see makes me ashamed to play the game lol

Don’t think it’s a jerk move at all. It’s a call for people playing the game to think before leaping.

he didnt do the same thing as yelling fire. No ones life was in immediate danger. There is no need to act like a crazed mob over a dragonite. get your shit together

why? shouldn’t all the retards pushing people and acting insane to catch a pokemon not be the ones who need an ass whoopin’

Man, really disappointed that he turned it off at the best moment.

Not enough?

If a mewto spawned inside a burning building, how many pokemon trainers would run inside to capture it?