
Cool. Never owned a Saturn (or a Sega console, in general), but any attempts to save old games from disappearing forever is a much appreciated endevor. I just hope Sega does not take the wrong message from this and shut down his project.

True, but they could have at least had the original batch (I think they only have 130 atm). They have a huge stable of Pokemon that they didn't need to withhold any of the originals. As for the other part, I agree and I should have clarified. I have tried it on my fiance's phone, she let me catch a few here and there.

No, THIS is a sign of doom:

As a non-asshole Christian, I just wanted to point out that WBC isn’t even really a church- they’re all lawyers, and their scam to get paid is to be as vulgar and insulting as possible, then sue the people who lash out at them.

Just reminding all of you that Christians dislike WBC just as much as non-Christians do.

Source: I’m a Christian.

I really have a hard time understanding the appeal of this game. It just seems to be completely lacking in actual stuff to do and content. I haven’t played it myself but have watched my fiance and checked out videos and information and it seems to just be an endless cycle of “catch one pokemon (only like 10 of them

It’s still available on Twitter:

this has got to be a highlight of SGDQ 2016

It was horrible

Youtube and Young kids really weird me out, like foul language seems to be the norm on there so it’s weird kids are exposed to that in their media

It’s their website, so, yes they are giving you guidelines.

what annoys me is the fact people want to have a character be gay in a game that it has no bearing on like if its the sims yes hell yeah have all the gay characters you want it adds to the story of the game and the way it flourishes having a gay character in a shooter like wtf that has no importance at all it would be

oof I’m always leery of it when people do stuff like this. It’s one thing to write/imagine fic its another to make a big ass group held headcanon. They tend to get really irrationally angry if/when it turns out their headcanon isn’t respected by others with other interpretations or worse when the characters creators

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If Sega revealed that GalaxyTrail, the makers of 2014's amazing Sonic-inspired indie game “Freedom Planet,” were taking over the franchise. Because Freedom Planet is literally the best Sonic-like experience I’ve ever had — it even tops the classic Sega Genesis Sonic games, as far as I’m concerned. And if a small group

Fan Fiction is shit, news at 11.

The biggest shame with Overwatch is the lack of a story mode. I mean why spend so much time and money crafting movies and videos and things showing these characters having interesting personalities, when in the end it’s just a multiplayer shooter.

I’m not sure I’ll ever understand why some folks get so worked up about shipping. It’s all just kinda weird to me, but I’ve never been a big “head canon” kinda guy. Either it’s part of the lore (from the company), or it’s not real. I dunno. Generational differences probably. That’s not real music!

You really don’t seem to be able to take even a light joking comment much less the hate.

“Named the pin-up girl of the “cyber generation” by The New York Times, Tifa has been compared to Lara Croft as an example of a strong, independent and attractive female character in video games. Media have repeatedly praised both the character’s strength and appearance and described her as one of the best female

Let’s see, FFVII had 1 main game, 3 spin-offs, was referenced/camoed in all 7 KH games, had characters in 4 fighting games, had a movie and OVA, was rereleased on PS4 just last year, is getting a HD remake, AND YOU CAN’T RECOGNIZE ONE OF THE PRINICIPAL CHARACTERS?!?!?!