
It’s good to see that they’re admitting the mistake and moving forward to correct it and communicate better. Nobody’s perfect.

That was my favorite part of FFXII. I’m tired of playing the hero, the chosen one, whatever. It’s so overdone. The fact that “I” was a player in someone elses story was much more interesting to me.

When I think of what I’d consider the absolute #1 greatest game of all time, this is one of maybe three constant candidates that instantly jump to mind for me.

That’s what parry was for.

The “crap”, Japanese RPG style UI is what gives the game charm/character.

haha oh man I remember this. Not only do I remember this but, confession time, I bought Fear Effect 2 BECAUSE of these ads. Haha oh god, hey, I was like 15 at the time, no shame.

You mean...the entire history of marketing?

I think it has to do more with the fact that the rapid proliferation of the digital age has given everyone a soap box to stand on (and the notion that their opinion deserves to be heard).

And the world kept spinning, no one got emotionally hurt and cried about it, the people that wanted it bought it, and the ones that didnt didnt.

While we can think that back then the sexuality of the game was blown out of proportion, were it to be marketed today it would be treated harshly by many *cough* internet cliques.

Russians and people in Germanic helmets working together?

Ok, adding the scene from the Dianetics commercial was pure genius.

Man, cartoons used to be so good. And super weird. But in a good way.

It would be so much better, if those people could translate (or finish translating) some of the earlier FE games, which have never been (and probably never will be) released outside Japan.

This is dumb. People are dumb.

okay I have a crazy idea

Someone should go make the Mona Lisa portrait into a guy so we can get some neutrality round here amiright

Ok I’m a man and here is my list of favorite games: -Zelda, Mario, perfect dark, metroid, beyond good and evil. At no point in my life, I ever thought that I would like to change the protagonist of a game because it was a female. I seriously think that the only problem here are the people who get so worked up over