You should, at least, insert a spoiler tag before that man!
You should, at least, insert a spoiler tag before that man!
Did we really need a separate female Link? Normal Link is already very androgynous in appearance.
Sigh, that’s not how crossbows work.
She IS just a girl version of Link, though. I mean, possible incarnation of the hero’s bloodline? Visually similar to link, LINKle.
The whole point of the character is to have a female avatar to take the place of Link. Don’t try to paint her as more than that, since she’s not.
And SJWs wonder why folks say they have no sense of humor. I mean, obviously the game designers meant that as a real solution for real people in the real world, obviously. Couldn’t just be making a joke. No way.
Yes! Everyone gets to be what they want!
I hope all you oversensitive pc sjws out there enjoy a Trump administration, because you all deserve it.
*Slashes enemies in half with sword*
Just finished it. That was around another 2+ hours of content! It seems silly that they wouldn’t make that more obvious at the ending, rather than it just being a passing hint about trying to better your relationship with a specific character. The true ending was great! Also, when you restart after the end credits...…
Thank you tumblr for making a controversy based off a bad translation into a huge toxic shitstorm that ended up with nintendo censoring some shit to avoid cretins from being offended over nothing. You truly are the crap that keeps on smelling.
Well then, I’ll get on it! Cheers.
If you’ve done Pacifist until then, you don’t have to start over from scratch. You can literally pick back up from your continue right where you left off.
Toby Foxhound?