
“Obviously, though, this serves as yet another head-rattling knock against Valve’s decision to open Steam’s floodgates wider than ever.” On the contrary, the flood of reviews warning users about the potential malware and the resulting articles show that valve is right to let users identify these issues and make

You are completely correct. As we women face a never ending series of unsolicited dick pics, toxic msgs to not responding immediately, stand ups on dates (because it’s fun to lead on girls and then stood them up oneve you make sure she is on the spot -that will teach her a lesson-) and the good old guy which his first

You could say, they,

It’s as if people are willing to pay for things if they’re priced reasonably and easily accessible!

Also Jansen.

Lost Odyssey’s battle system was decent, but the main draw were the incredible short stories littered liberally alongside the main plot. Great writing.

I think this is supposed to be the first stage of a mass re-introduction of the feature, with the idea being to follow it up with new avatar-based games, Xbox Live profile features, and so on.

If it’s this or shitty Micros/loot boxes I’d go with the Netflix model hands down.

I wonder what the sales numbers for that one was.

This. Is. AMAZING.

As a person who has played FFIV countless times throughout their life, including being old enough to have purchased a copy new on SNES , this is going to be an absolute blast. I cannot wait to dive in.

Thank God I’ve got the day off. I’m turning off my phone right now.

I think we all need that counter voice that is always making is question and re-affirm or re-evaluate how we see the world. I am constantly visiting websites that I do not like, listen to personalities I do not like, and reading comments from people I do not like, all in the hope that it makes me a more rounded,

If you are going to read my comment please read to the end because I’m not going to sugar coat this. I hated Total Biscuit. I hated his guts. I hated his holier than thou attitude, his pretentious demeanor, his talking down to game developers, his dismissal of 30fps games as a whole, his shitty tweets and his voice

Agreed. I look forward to a mythical time when politicians are blasted for being shitty Tanks instead of being shitty people.

I think we need more people like this guy.

Generally speaking, that’s true. But it goes both ways. People who talk about “diversity” dont really care about diversity. They’re all looking for a specific race or status, NOT true diversity. It has become code for “needs more black characters” or “wow, no gay characters? Author must be a bigot!”. Seems like we all

So people are looking at Discord Light users and... Throwing shade?

Kotaku dark mode when

Or wait in line....

Definitely not being sarcastic. I think expansion packs are the way to go with DLC.

Yes! Kill all microtransactions! Bring back expansion packs!