So a Pirate King came to be by driving loyalty from other pirates, and taxing their profits? Isn’t.....isn’t that...the literal expectation and definition of a Pirate King?
So a Pirate King came to be by driving loyalty from other pirates, and taxing their profits? Isn’t.....isn’t that...the literal expectation and definition of a Pirate King?
An errant employee accidentally sold the glowing vat of life restoring liquid hidden beneath a Toys r Us during a liquidation sale. Talia is going to be pissed.
Think Soul Calibur, but Star Wars.
No, because I want Star Calibur.
I get the feeling I’ll enjoy it as well, despite all the complaints. I thought Kingsglaive was quite enjoyable, and it helped immerse me in the world, and make me care more for the characters’ motivation and journey. I really can’t see myself being disappointed in the game from what I’ve seen so far.
I actually think the story is freaking awesome and Ardyn’s story is absolutely epic.
I’m absolutely adoring the game so far. I’ve been waiting for this for practically a decade (I skipped the console version), after the massive disappointment that FF13 was. I don’t care that the story is shallow or whatever - I’m 22 hours in and still on Chapter 3, so it doesn’t really matter much to me. I also…
“In the end, they made a game about trying to survive disaster.”
All of your observations on how this game is a metaphor for the state of the Metal Gear team after Kojima left are artistically engaging enough to make me want to play this.
Thank you for your excellent analysis and actual deference toward some the people who slogged to make this happen. THIS is what game journalism could/should be, not a laundry list of graphics/sound/gameplay, but a keen eye to observe even a bad game as an important cultural artifact.
So they basically made a game that’s a metaphor for the drudge the left-behind devs feel working for Konami and the (more or less) betrayal of Kojima. And they somehow got that to fly with the higher-ups at Konami in their meetings. A story of how they managed that could make for a fascinating documentary.
Sounds about right.
I fully recognize that Kojima was and probably still is a primadonna dickhead when it comes to exercising directorial control over a project (and is probably absolute shit when it comes to budget management), but I will never be able to see Metal Gear as anything but his.
I have zero desire to play…
All of these companies, however, work for Jason, and delay games at his every whim.
The anonymity the Internet provides is at once one of its greatest strengths (in that it allows people to express ideas that may be politically unpopular in their area, or to organize social movements without fear of direct/immediate reprisal), and also one of its greatest weaknesses (in that it enables…
Sometimes I think our obsession with statistics, numbers and broad truths about society clashes with the fact that our justice system is about the individuals involved.
And then you escape, reinvade the simulation, gain virtual super powers, cause the Earth to be destroyed, kill the alien overlord, invade Hell, and punch Satan in the face.
I wish square had updated the UI for Romancing Saga 2. I bought it on the vita and I hate the UI so damn much.
Like sports. We have all figured out to stop watching sports and play them. That’s why there’s no more sports leagues.
man, Air Ride was so good*
* ok not that good but I had a lot of fun with it.