I could so see Viggo Mortensen getting his big fantasy come back as Geralt.
Older? Geralt is almost 100 years young. Beside the Netflix series are leaning more toward the novel series, which are the prequel of the first Witcher game. We are talking about the origins of Yennefer and Ciri here.
There was nothing wrong with his acting in the Man of Steel, imo.
I feel like having a very good actor, with the perfect physicality for the role, and a great deal of enthusiasm for the material is about as good as it’s gonna get.
I’m for it. Could be worse. Would’ve loved to see new actors on the scene, but I think Cavill can pull off Geralt. The book’s Geralt has far more character and sass than the game’s Geralt so it will be exciting to see him grow into that character. I’m excited and hopeful! Good luck to him.
Kingdom Hearts is probably the best value for the money of any video game right now. For $40 you get like 6 KH games, and probably 300 hrs of fresh content.
If you think the same exact thing wouldn’t happen with demos, I have a bridge I’d like to sell you :P
Honestly, this would be great.
I frequent Reddit and can confirm I have too much time on hand some days.
People got burned by Watch Dogs so now they go out of their way to find minute differences they can rage about online.
It’s bollocks the way they’ve announced it and this shouldn’t be happening to begin with if the industry was fair.
Now if S-E would get off their asses and fix that disgusting FF6 PC release.
Suggestion for new rule: Cover players are placed in uniforms of the game developer, not the player’s team.
Good, Good to know. My financial controller (spouse) re-upped our Prime recently despite the price hike-which I didn’t think she would do. Since I get music (titles disappearing atm), and new games out of it-and less tyranny of shipping-it still works for me.
I don’t doubt that Glover’s script may have been to overtly political for Marvel’s taste, but the politics in their movies are more than subtext. Look at Black Panther’s analysis of black liberation and isolationism. Or Captain America drawing the line between true patriotism and loyalty to the government. Or the way…
I can’t speak to the Apple vs. Google part, but Epic said that Fortnite profits are partially responsible for them being able to give creators on their marketplace more of the money their games earn: https://www.pcgamer.com/fortnite-is-making-so-much-money-that-epic-is-giving-unreal-marketplace-creators-a-big-raise/
it’s almost like you can choose to not buy something, rather than trying to actively enforce what others do or don’t have access to in a free market. strange.
2 words: Pokemon
I mean... yeah, maybe?