
That guy in the header picture looks EXACTLY like I’d expect the guy making CoD to look.

I want to give credit to Nintendo for recognizing that Bayonetta 2's poor sales had more to do with their console not the game and commissioning a third unlike Sega who didn’t want to pony up after the respectable but apparently not enough sales of the original.

My choice would be more appropriate for this one!

It’s a nice surprise. Recently, even some simple-looking games are not really that optimized.

I really wish Earthbound’s unique approach to this had caught on. After your party grows to a certain average level, enemies in the area will actively avoid you. You can still run up to them and fight if you want.

psst...bloggers, yea you. i hate to be that guy (famous last words for people KNOWING they dont hate being that guy) but shame doesnt work the same way it used to. these type of articles used to be the beginning of the end for habitual line crossers...but not anymore. all these takedowns or criticisms do is inflame

This. We cannot just dismiss everyone who wanders into the comments with a take we do not like—or even with their head partway up their ass.

Discourse won’t change certain hearts or minds, but shutting it off before it begins solves nothing at all.

That said, if you run across a truly aggressive, vile, toxic troll,

As an aside, I rather like the open, sometimes contentious comments sections on this site. It’s usually a good balance between moderation and open commentary. So, try to use this system for people who are actually nonconstructive trolls, and not people who have an opposing opinion. There is a difference, and I’d

If the only thing keeping your teenagers alive is that you don’t use Tide pods in your home, I’m sorry to tell you that they are fucked.

That sounds like one of the best uses of VR I’ve ever heard of. Kudos to you for your kindness.

This , this, and more this. When we talk about “personality” or “charm” I feel like the character models have a ton to do with how the player perceives the characters’ personalities and I really feel like the limitations of the hardware in the past forced developers to come up with creative ways to express emotions.

This sucks.

Discussing “personality” in a JRPG is a pretty loaded concept. We could be talking about how the music fits the game, if the characters are cool, if the battle system is slick, or the quality of the writing or plot progression.

I agree entirely, but atleast they had the decency to put out this statement with full honesty and a breakdown as to why the delay happened. I appreciate the openess, even if this should have been figured out beforehand. And I think we can all agree that it’s better that they realize they need to make core programming

I’m talking about what I personally want, not what the market would support.

It’s not THAT ambitious. Not unlike certain other things.

Poor you, thinking you would get ahead of a kid with just that. Nope, they be like

User name does not checkout.

Right, so the reason behind this is that the US has a visa waiver with most countries (which Europe is helpfully thinking of rescinding because our current Cheetolini keeps fucking up our own visa waivers for their citizens) and that stamp or ticket you get when entering most of those countries is for — wait for it — n