
Fuck Joseph Campbell. The more we move away from his monomyth bullshit, the better.

The Force isn’t an allegory for morality, just like religion or spirituality isn’t a marker for morality.

Stop giving them the attention they desperately crave.

LOL you losers are so easily triggered.

Hey James, now that Gizmodo’s not owned by the herb anymore, how about finally booting the obvious trolls?

“Jedis = Cis White Male = Bad literally witches vs. the patriarchy.

We didn’t know the vast majority of what was given in this episode. We didn’t know Mae and Osha’s relationship dynamic (which will undoubtedly be important). We didn’t know the specifics of the way the Coven (or as you mentioned that there even was a coven) operated and that Mae might be taking after her much more hot

Oh, my God, are people being dense on purpose? Because the amount of commenters trashing this episode based on how absurd it’s that the relatively small fire started by Mae caused all the destruction and deaths in the Coven’s fortress is astonishing!

Everyone complaining needs to google Rashomon.

Agreed. Especially because we saw Torbin accept the poison in Episode 2. He felt guilt for what happened on Brendok, so the Jedi certainly had more to do with the deaths of the witches than Mae’s fire.

The lack of media literacy in the reviews and reactions to this weeks episode is staggering.

Yeah I felt crazy after I read that Polygon article. I couldn’t figure out if they had totally missed the point of the episode or I did. At least this reviewer seems to have watched the same show I did.

I’m staggered that the takeaways about this episode (from competent writers) seems to be “that’s not how fires work” versus “boy there’s a lot of subjective point of view and something is very off here.” 

Why not both?

Ah, so he’s not Hobitting it. He Lucasing it. Aka pretending he has a larger story all figured out, but actually all he has is a bunch of proper names and a few half-formed ideas.  

Related to those last two items, when was the last time some actor, writer, or director said “ya know, this next season is fine. It’s maybe not as crazy, shocking, emotional, or funny as the last three, but it’s pretty good I guess.”

“Big Rich Man Baby Era” is the history of all of mankind.

Sell it to the highest bidder. And then the next 20 highest bidders after that. They don’t sell it to the next highest bidder after those though. It’s not that they have principles, mind you. It’s just that there were only 21 bidders

Go ahead and ask so you can be blessed with a poop emoji response.

So what does Tesla do with your data? What does TwiXXer do with your data?