
Plenty of people in open relationships don’t commit sexual assault.  Not saying Gaiman is innocent but it’s this sorta attitude that gets innocent peoples railroaded as “sexual deviants”. 

Nobody said he had to be alive in the trunk

And since the MCU has now explicitly shown X-Men characters in alternate timelines/universes (and explicitly mentioned incursions), it’s pretty fair to presume that’s also where FF and X-Men will come from rather than somehow having been there all along without anyone knowing.

There was speculation from the promo art released that it’s an alternate history, which was a key part of the pitch from Michael Chabon in the late nineties. His idea was that the world the FF inhabited was much like the one predicted by the World’s Fair and the ideals springing out of the Space Race. I think having

What precipitated this Spider-Man hot take? Is there a problem happening at this moment?

I mean, yes, Spider-Man 3 was a mess and the Amazing Spider-Man movies were 100% a franchise no one was asking for.

This piece feels at least five years late.

The home trilogy is not too concerned with big things. Like. What? Homecoming was Peter’s girlfriend dad being a villain. FFH was Peter saving his class from being attacked and dealing with grief/loss of Tony. NWH was Peter trying to get in to college with his friends. These are not big cosmic/universal threats. It’s

I feel like the initial premise that the shared custody deal was somehow a fumble or mistake is obviously wrong, and just a really weird take. Maybe it was just following a bad conclusion back to an even worse premise, but I checked out immediately.

This is honestly such a legit idea

If Reynolds estimates the road trip movie would have a budget of $5-6 million then give him $10 million for an 8 episode road trip series to be aired on Disney+, you could do 18 seasons of that for what 1 season of The Acolyte cost lol 

Deadpool and Dopinder Go To White Castle

Made all the worse because it was so unnecessary that there is no explanation than it was absolutely intentional. They could have just make the girl 18 and nobody would have batted an eye, but they WANTED that weird and gross conversation.

They could do the text cards at the end, letting the audience know that the events led to black officers being introduced to Military Police. due to how poorly they had handled the racial tensions.

I knew it was gonna popular - I loved the original as I’m sure many others did — but that it’s on pace to finish as one of the top-5 highest grossing films in the US ever, I don’t think anyone saw that coming; heck, I think Pixar and Disney would’ve been happy with $429 million US in its entire run, never mind 15 days

And many are. Is Star Wars any less great because it had so many influences?

At least the Labour Party thinks she has power.

I’ve never been one of the richest people in history, but why the fuck can’t they just take the W and go Scrooge McDuck in their swimming pool full of money? What compels them to constantly share their stupid fucking opinions?

JKR is hardly the only one to crawl up their own ass this way. Is it like toxoplasmosis,

The books are good! Rowling has a very good ear for dialogue, her settings feel lived-in (even if her actual worldbuilding collapses under even the slightest scrutiny), and she cleverly made each book a little mystery rather than a straightforward fantasy narrative. There is a reason the books are/were so beloved.

It’s textbook radicalisation. She got hung up on an issue and got sucked into echo-chambers that reinforced that hang-up into zeal.

There are things to like about the books. Unlike about her 

She’s a bigot. When your bigotry alienates people who used to respect you, the only people left are other bigots. The bigotry of the other bigots reinforces and intensifies your bigotry. That’s basically how racist Facebook uncles are born.