
What I would like to see instead of another shitty subscription service with questionable perks would be some sort of in-house GoFundMe where we could pay to bring back writers like Nathan Rabin.

And please, call me Ookla. Mr. The Mok is my father’s name. 


I was here for the Kinjapocalypse and I will be here for the Pasturrection. 

No motivation?? An old man, whose wife dies, has nothing left to live for, gets an opportunity to become young again and go on space adventures to kill aliens??? How’s that for an elevator pitch?

Your mention of talking-bulldog cops reminded me of Jonathan Lethem’s Gun, With Occasional Music (his first novel), which features, among other things, a gangster kangaroo.

Does The Illuminatus! Trilogy count as sci-fi or just insanity?

I don’t get the issue on Old Man’s War. That is the exact opposite of unfilmable. Same with its sequels.

The challenge for the Left Hand of Darkness is that Genly is a misogynist. He is the sole representative of the gender-normative worldview through which the reader is challenged. Watching the protagonist struggle with distaste while saying that some of his genderless hosts are acting “womanly” is entirely the point.

Nearly anything speculative by China Mieville, but in terms of ‘filmability’, The City & The City is probably the easiest.

Now playing

I won’t deny that Pfeiffer’s performance is superior, but my Catwoman has always been and will always be Julie Newmar.

Now that you mention it, Tom Verlaine was kind of an asshole.

“Now children, who can tell me what the internet was and how it almost destroyed humanity in 1997?”

Both Anne Hathaway and Brie Larson had Oscars by the time they did a superhero movie. 

I love that so much of media has become a pro wrestling-style exercise of creating a “story” from whole cloth, then hammering in on it until the audience assumes it’s a real thing.

The weird thing to me is that if you’d told me a bunch of weirdos on social media had decided they hate Anne Hathaway, I would’ve assumed the haters were Very Online straight dudes who resented the fact that she rose to fame in films like The Princess Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada that didn’t cater to the male

Yeah, it was weird. Like at first, she was the actress from the princess movies I was never going to care about, then she did Havoc which I remember the backlash being that she was being a try-hard about not wanting to be stuck in Disneyesque roles by doing something “edgy” (it was a terrible movie but beyond her

Life of Duncans, more likely. It has potential: waking up in a tank that may or may not be a giant salamander, creepy dwarves singing at you, sex with Paul’s underage sister, getting crushed by a giant worm, getting crushed by a giant worm, getting crushed by a giant worm, getting crushed by a giant worm, getting

I can’t argue with that take and in the end Paul comes off as a tragic hero.    I just argue it’s more nuanced then the typical “white savior” trope 

And I seem to have completely forgotten about Children in my initial comment.

The first two were successful enough that Messiah will get made. Whether it gets made well or by Villeneuve is another question and one that Legendary and Warner Bros are probably less interested in, which is a big part of the problem.