
There’s fire in space in the original movie. These people are so exhausting. 

Remember: they’re not trolls, they’re herbs.

The Novella is its own thing , and yeah this sounds closer to the book than the Arnie movie , which sort of makes sense in a way , as the era of Big Gameshows* has been overtaken by reality shows and social media.

I have four parents, and none of them are even LGBTQ+. See if you can figure that one out, asshole.

Now that Gizmodo isn’t owned by Spanfeller anymore, how about finally booting obvious trolls?

I’m so sorry that my personal enjoyment of something has bothered you.

You must be fun at parties.

Eat Shit trolls. Eat shit. 

If the only time the Jedi Order hasn’t been critiqued is when it no longer existed, maybe that’s just evidence that the Jedi Order is inherently flawed and worthy of all the critique.

But the original trilogy wasn’t about the corrupt politics. It was classic heroic story of good vs evil, the politics were a backstory that had the minimum detail needed for story purposes. It just became *about* the politics with the prequel trilogy, which were widely condemned as mediocre storytelling. So why has

i’m as excited for this as i was for Dune 2, and that’s not an exaggeration. Feathers is a worthy foe!

I’m not sure I agree with your conclusion - keep in mind that the Jedi do not “recruit”, especially in this era, they “find” and “take” children who are Force-sensitive. They train all of these children. Some, like Osha, leave the Order, but most don’t. Even a mediocre Jedi like Yord will eventually reach the rank of

I’m now even more ridiculously excited for this film. Evil penguins are the best!

oh hell yes!

I’m not a fan of Yord at all so far. So as for a guy with such seemingly obvious shortcomings being made a Knight? Well, if it’s a golden age of Jedi-dom, then there are probably more Jedi than there ever have been, which means by sheer volume the lowest scorers will still pass the exam - and there will be more of

Unpopular opinion: I really hate Cujo. It’s framed and sold as a horror movie, but it’s not: it’s a super sad movie of a completly innocent dog slowly dying from a normal realistic disease. It’s just a miserable time - why would I want to watch a dog in pain for 90 minutes? (And yes, I know the actual dog[s] on screen

Your reading of that quote is off here. Yord is the one who thinks there is one way a Jedi is supposed to do things, not the writer of this article. He is the archetypal inflexible Jedi. The point here is that Yord is good at being what the order considers to be the Platonic ideal of a Jedi. Order above all else.

Disagree. I really liked it. I’m not sure I liked how much of it felt like it was filmed in the volume, but over all I quite liked it.

My reading of Yord is that he is the walking definition of impostor syndrome. It doesn’t take much for him to draw his lightsaber compared to a lot of the other Jedi we’ve seen who seem to save it as a last resort. Deep down he’s obviously scared and it will be interesting to see how the series progresses if he can

Absolutely. We can say that the Force was guiding Luke and got him through that impossible situation, but Obiwan and Yoda certainly didn’t know that that’s how it was going to play out. They just saw a partially trained hot head rushing off to fight the galaxy’s biggest badass and they told him that it was a bad idea.