
I mean , I dont agree with what you say ..but if men are going to watch it anyway ,adding more women to the cast has a chance of bringing in a demographic that wasnt going to watch it before.

I’m very much liking how they’re selling the Jedi as galactic peacekeepers who are so OP relative to the average person that they rarely need to actually use their weapons.

Over on Polygon they had an article that explicitly cast the Jedi as space cops and discussed how though they say they’re all about peace they always seem to end up fighting and killing people. My response was, yeah, of course that’s what we see. This is an action fantasy series and so LucasFilm/Disney have tended to

io9: “I thought we’d go see MaXXXine tonight”

I find the most honest reviews in the comments of the “real” reviews and what I’m seeing is a split between those that find the show delightfully refreshing and are enjoying it more than they thought they would and those that give me a strong impression that they were not, have not, and will not watch the show.

I love how you spend SO much time saying it’s not a problem that there are females in the Star Wars universe, yet you don’t actually level a SINGLE complaint or criticism about this specific show you’ve called “trash bin.” It’s almost like you haven’t seen it, you don’t care to see it, and you are so triggered by a

It’s like goddamn Mad Libs with these people.

I honestly can’t even understand your complaint.  Is it... that there are girl Jedi?  Woke Jedi?  Like, I get you don’t like what Kennedy has done... but I can’t parse what you mean beyond that.

It’s very interesting to see Jedi whose first reaction to an aggressor is not to immediately whip out a lightsaber.  

She played Kate Austen, not Kate Bishop. Kate Bishop is Hawkeye.

And I want to be clear, I like a nuanced villain and a flawed hero. The villains in the KOTOR games are interesting because they’re not just bad guys that want to do bad because bad is so awesome. But a flawed hero is still a hero, and a nuanced and interesting villain is still a villain. The idea that the Jedi are

I think that it’s undoubtably clear that Obiwan and Yoda were wrong in their advice to Luke, but that doesn’t bring their goodness into question. Again, being a good person and a Jedi that tries to uphold good things doesn’t mean that you know everything, won’t make mistakes, etc. Luke was right and his teachers were

1) Lies to Luke and tells him his father had been murdered, manipulating Luke to think the man who IS his father is the man who killed him.

As a long time io9 commenter I can relate.

Neither is sexuality. And yet.

Yeah the whole slavery part is hard to get past. Maybe Snyder thinks he can get fans of “Rome 2005" to watch his show. 

What specifically a 300 prequel series would be about is unclear.

300, of course, was released in 2006 and became <one of the most popular and influential films of the era.> It was only Snyder’s second film but it put him on the map thanks to <his bold, ambitious vision> to bring the pages of the original Frank Miller/Lynn Varley comic book to life.”

Hollywood really knows how to strike while the iron is hot. 

I’m guessing at some point they’ll go the way they were originally going to go and keep pushing the genetic engineering angle until we get human-dino hybrid super soldiers. After that I’m thinking it would only take like 2-3 movies before we’re post apocalypse and essentially doing a Turok movie.