
Well, at the time I made that comment...

You hear a lot about Fox News “brainwashing” older people — there’s even a documentary with a similar title — but the reality is, all those resentments, all those prejudices, were always in their heads. They just needed the right permission structures to be able to express in public what they used to say only around

Nicola had to pressure her dad to keep Ron DeSantis off the guest list.

That’s a really dumb gripe, man.

It’s hilarious how many commenters are convinced of the “poor storytelling” of a series they can’t possibly have seen yet.

What group? White men? Give me a break.

Yup. Born into extravagant wealth, married into extravagant wealth. She never had to work for anything ever. So casting hersrlf as a working poor girl with a rough life is quite tone-deaf.

Within my lifetime I’ve seen racism go from something to keep quiet among racist friends to something some people are *proud* of.

Considering the great reviews it’s been getting and the fact that the previous show Headland created was the amazing Russian Doll, I’m going to say no, I don’t think that’s what’s happening.

Alternatively, this is Disney reacting to the sustained racist/sexist/etc. diatribes that have already been levelled against the show prior to its release, apparently merely for existing.

So basically this is Lionel Hutz’s business card.

It would be great if people would stop using phrases like “reactionary culture war.”

The Umbrella Academy’s true superpower, being a Netflix show to make it past 3 seasons. 

Someone needs to tell him the Titanic is woke now, so he needs to get down there as fast as possible.

Yeah, it’s a very poor job of rephrasing the original article. There it says:

And she’s married to one of the Beckham kids too, so even if somehow daddy lost absolutely everything, she wouldn’t even come close to sniffing middle class, much less poverty.

With that title, I was hoping for an obit.

So I was going to write that I’m pretty sure Nicola Peltz retired from acting and moved on to other rich girl hobbies like making clothes or something...

At $120 a share, a source told CNBC, he made about $1 billion on the position as stocks currently trade for about $100 per share.

At $120 a share, a source told CNBC, he made about $1 billion on the position as stocks currently trade for about $100 per share.”