
If anyone reading can’t imagine it, here’s some help.

“When he finally crosses paths with the Stranger, you could say he has a desire to try to keep the destruction that has happened there from spreading to his beloved lands in the West. He nudges the Stranger along his journey, which he knows will eventually protect the larger natural world that he cares about.

Oh shit, a Matthew Berry “Tom Bombadil might be too good for this world. Damn you for planting that idea in my mind!

Matt Berry was RIGHT THERE and they go for the guy who says “typical Whitehall mandarin” in James Bond?

You’re looking at this as a science based issue and not a supernatural one as Kate pointed out. Paradoxes and other such concerns don’t matter when the Fae are involved.

No-one ever remembers it, but RTD - a long long time ago - had a kids tv show called Century Falls. It was like “My First Wicker Man” in vibe (some kids move with their family to some rural wee town where there’s a sinister cult trying to waken an evil spirit) and this really felt like a callback to that sort of

“Boom” was literally about a landmine, so that's 3/4

This is now the second time this season in which one wrong step changes everything. First, stepping on a butterfly during the dinosaur era changed Ruby into a butterperson. Now this second time when stepping into a fairy circle breaks the timeline. Makes me wonder if this will be a runner for the rest of the season.

This one, like “Boom are a nice break from the frenetic first two. I was so glad to see Jemma Redgrave again, she just nails the moment when she calls off her team. And no one shouted “Yes!” louder than I did to see the awesome and legendary Welsh actress Sian Phillips. No one chills me quite like she does. It

I’m a big fan of Old Gods of Appalachia so this one’s right up my alley!

This time he makes a giant Bitcoin out of mashed potatoes!

I recognize the new guy has sci-fi bona fides and that we haven’t actually seen even any footage of the new Agatha show, but I wonder how much of WandaVision’s successes stem from the head writer/showrunner?

TIL Germain Lussier is younger than me. For the record, my college friends and I probably saw it 4 times in theaters. First new Star Wars in all that time, we were convinced the movie would improve once the other two installments were released.

I think a lot of Star Wars fans were in denial at the time. I saw it three times in the cinema and each time it got worse. I think it was definitely one of those films that got worse each time you watched it, but at the time there was a lot less ‘content’ around as this was well before streaming and the ‘modern’

It has been said many times, but nobody ever told Lucas “no” on anything in the prequels. The sequels failed (in part) because of corporate meddling, especially with Rise of Skywalker being desperate to please everybody and ending up pleasing nobody. The prequels failed because Lucas had too much control and not

I was in denial, and also it was worth it to me to see that third act over and over. But yes, in retrospect, it was very dumb. 

Wow, calling Morph “it” just underlines your discomfort with non-binary genders at best, but I’ll call it - you’re a bigot. What does it matter to you? These are fictional characters who have had wild personality changes over their histories, as different creative teams enter and exit.

Man, I went into X-Men ‘97 with really low expectations. Not because I wasn’t a fan of the show, but actually probably because I was. I was on the older end of the target demographic when the show aired, but I was a huge nerd so I watched it anyway and loved it. The theme is burned into my brain. But in anticipation

“Intended?” By whom? Also, what does canon have to do with any of this?

Remind me when a straight person was killed by a queer for being straight that you think “respecting heterosexuality” is even remotely an issue in our society that needs to be addressed.