
“Okay, Scott... why don’t you tell me what brings you here to my office today?”

I haven’t found another tolerable comment section anywhere save for the ones that are pay-to-play on sites started up and/or heavily staffed by ex-pat Gawk/Giz/GO staff (Defector, Autopian, Drive, and Aftermath, which I just learned about the other day when Kotaku shut down commenting). As much as this place was my go-

RIP AVClub. You were a walking corpse for several years now.

Posting it here, as places to do so on this network are rapidly disappearing: commenting appears to be gone over at the AV Club

The number of studio that would absolutely fight to the death for Feige if Disney was stupid enough to fire him would be...checks notes...ALL OF THEM.  Including Disney after the board was ousted the next week.

I’m routing for guillotines. 

like him or not, you have to admire moffat’s commitment to lying about stuff and deliberately provoking the fanbase for the show 

I think you’re slightly foolish to think it’s your job to reflect society. I don’t think it really is.”

In most cases yes, in this specific case it’s justified by Peltz’ publicly announced stances. Peltz fired off his thoughts to the public, it’s open season on him.

It’s quite the accomplishment being nominated for a Razzie TWICE in your teens

I just saw a trailer today for a movie about a cat. Will the Wokes never stop? Everyone knows that dogs are the most popular pet, and so nobody could possibly be interested in a movie starring a cat. People go to movies to be entertained, not to be fed some “message” about “diversity”.

By the way, Marvel doesn’t have any “all black” or “all female” casts in any of their films. Black Panther notably has a white guy playing a supporting character for a lot of the film. Captain Marvel and The Marvels has freakin’ Nick Fury has one of the main characters.

Disney isn’t “freaking out” about Peltz, since there’s no way he can get on the board. I don’t know why he thinks nakedly showing his racism and sexism will help him do that, but he’s an old white guy, I guess they think they can do and say anything and people will reward them for it.

Isn’t it funny how when a movie cast skews towards women or POC, it’s “political” or “pushing a message,” but if it’s all white dudes, there’s never a problem?

Imagine being in Inhumans and that isn’t even the most embarrassing thing on your resume.

He isn’t questioning the logic, he’s just tired of seeing Black people in movies.

This fucking guy. Every time he buys a minority stake in a publicly traded company, threatens to sell if he doesn’t get his sycophants on the board, then fucks off. I hope Iger just laughs in his face.

Are they “freaking out?” Or are they just taking it seriously and taking action to prevent it from happening?

He’s mad because his daughter got skragged in the first episode of Inhumans.

The absolute -balls- of this guy to question the logic making a movie that *checks notes* LEAD THE 2018 BOX OFFICE.