
So far, so good, I’d say. I rewatched the original series in anticipation of the new show and let’s be honest, it’s not really very good. This sounds more negative than it’s really meant to. There’s a reason that this show made an impact on those of us who were the right age when it hit, and that’s because it was

And just like in the Dune Universe, nothing bad will ever come from it......

He’s smart, and a good leader, and a powerful badass. But his personality almost always fluctuates between boring and a**hole.

I sort of get the usefulness of bringing back Morph, where you have a way of channeling the zillions of x-men characters instantly without needing to introduce them; as someone who read the 80s comics that these stories are based on, one of the more interesting things I thought was how true they were to just having

Which makes you question how his bad-ass landing worked, since there’s no push-back to him to slow his descent.

Though rule-of-cool wins. And I guess it would be too much to introduce Flyclops to the show...

A man who regularly (regularly) makes a mess of his personal life

Now playing

I won’t deny that Pfeiffer’s performance is superior, but my Catwoman has always been and will always be Julie Newmar.

Now that you mention it, Tom Verlaine was kind of an asshole.

“Now children, who can tell me what the internet was and how it almost destroyed humanity in 1997?”

Both Anne Hathaway and Brie Larson had Oscars by the time they did a superhero movie. 

I love that so much of media has become a pro wrestling-style exercise of creating a “story” from whole cloth, then hammering in on it until the audience assumes it’s a real thing.

The weird thing to me is that if you’d told me a bunch of weirdos on social media had decided they hate Anne Hathaway, I would’ve assumed the haters were Very Online straight dudes who resented the fact that she rose to fame in films like The Princess Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada that didn’t cater to the male

Yeah, it was weird. Like at first, she was the actress from the princess movies I was never going to care about, then she did Havoc which I remember the backlash being that she was being a try-hard about not wanting to be stuck in Disneyesque roles by doing something “edgy” (it was a terrible movie but beyond her

This isn’t actually Marvel’s fault — they hadn’t even announced the covers yet when another website jumped on the chance and declared that Marvel was celebrating “pride allies” and everyone freaked out. The covers themselves, as you show, are pretty damn good and everyone pretty much calmed down after Marvel made the

Welp, I’m holding on for dear life, waiting for the MAGA crowd to come screaming into the comments...

Spanfeller’s stewardship of Giz:

Deadspin - Dead (most of former staff formed Defector, a staff owned and managed successful subscription based site that remains profitable into its 4 year, website was sold to a publisher I never heard of)

I agree, but sadly only the select few can handle the unbridled madness that is Gotham, the show that featured Penguin serving his step-mother as dinner to her own children.

tl;dr - Kotaku is a zombie site.

Basically, while Dark Knight is a more ambitious movie and very good in its own right, it also feels a lot less like a Batman film from a stylistic standing. It completly abandons a lot of the, for a lack of a better word, gothic trappings of Batman, like the Batcave, Wayne Manor, or actual bats, while re.oving any

Oh don’t get me wrong, I did like the Batman a lot. It’s not dethroning Batman Begins as my favourite live-action Batman movie, but it’s pretty darn good. My hope is for a sequel that double down on the good parts while working to fix the few flaws it has (and please don’t have The Joker as the main villain). But I’m