
I can’t argue with that take and in the end Paul comes off as a tragic hero.    I just argue it’s more nuanced then the typical “white savior” trope 

And I seem to have completely forgotten about Children in my initial comment.

I kinda like the hoodie, but the person they picked to wear this stuff looks like they’re around my age. If they were trying to show me how ridiculous I would look wearing this stuff, then mission accomplished.

The first two were successful enough that Messiah will get made. Whether it gets made well or by Villeneuve is another question and one that Legendary and Warner Bros are probably less interested in, which is a big part of the problem.

We both do love Viggo

They haven’t verified that information independently and when dealing with companies related to Elon it’s best not to just be a stenographer of whatever he claims.

I’m not a lawyer either but work in M&A and the fact that they didn’t have a partnership agreement that gave each partner first right of refusal if one wanted to sell is almost comically amateurish. I’ve literally never seen that, including among family members.  You lay that shit out while everyone is getting along

I think so many people fallen in love with the idea of Snow being on the throne that they were upset it didn’t happen. Personally I thought it should have ended with Sam sitting on the throne myself. 

I agree that we need fiction that can be inspiring, but I’d say that the problem with a lot of current science fiction is that it presents this kind of libertarian idea that brave, individually heroic people are the only ones that we can trust because any sort of institutions are either weak, ineffectual, and actively

I said decades ago now, that the single best thing that Star Trek: TNG did was have no obvious connection with Kirk (except the name of the ship). Making everyone connected is a short term win, but a long term stupid decision when you are building an IP.

I’m shocked, I tells ya. Shocked!

Hmm... not sure I want to hear about the sith view and power

On the strength of Russian Doll alone, or maybe the pitch was that strong? Like, I don’t need or want Star Wars shows to be helmed by people who have only worked in sci-fi/fantasy. I’d rather watch spectacular failures that tried something different than boring failures that played it safe.

I’ve read the books and ‘funny’ is exactly the last thing I’d describe them. The books’ tone is unrelentingly somber (but NOT dour!). Moreover, I don’t think that injecting humor would be even remotely appropriate for the themes and the feel of the story. I mean, the entire story starts off with a father of one of the

Just dismiss the obvious troll. Why bother responding? It’s their very first comment. Don’t let trolls get a foothold.

You can bet that if this subject wasn’t exhibiting severe side effects right now, they’d have them on camera doing all of this stuff for people to see. The fact Elon Musk, the show and tell king, isn’t showing us any of this should be very telling.

Every time I see this man, I can’t unsee Mac’s mom from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The resemblance is uncanny.

Big deal, it was done in 2006. Nothing to see here.

You’re on a tech blog. Lots of people here are scientists or engineers.