
“Wow that Zendaya outfit makes her look photoshopped in to every picture.”

There probably won’t be anything more than a passing scene where this characters gender is even mentioned. Probably like in the last season of Umbrella Academy where Elliot Page’s character comes out as trans, and the rest of the characters are like “oh, ok.” and the show continues on.

Speak for yourself.  It was certainly important to us in the ‘80s and ‘90s.

I think either Mole Man or Annihilus would be the ideal first movie villain.

You are right that Stan Lee was not thinking about it in the 60s, but the “Mutant Metaphor” being applied to queerness has been a thing for 30 years now. Honestly if you believe Claremont, he says he was applying it when he wrote the X-Men in the 80s so you could even argue 40 years.

That would require them to acknowledge that intersex people exist and they can’t do that within the mental framework they’ve created.

I mean, if a character has the ability to instantaneously change their body at will, I feel like it would be stranger for them NOT to be non-binary.

Even by TERFs own rules, they wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

“Your gender is determined by your biology! Sex and gender are the same!”

“My biology says that I can change

I want to see Javier Bardem as Mole Man

She is risen indeed.

Zendaya slyly auditioning for the Metropolis remake.

Water would’ve doused the firework, by the way.

So basically

Maybe the next time you think about posting some extremely reasonable take on an article like this, you take a second to look in the mirror and tell yourself that there is a guy named Hal in Vancouver who appreciates your input but wishes better for you than this site. Kind of a Good Will Hunting thing.

As a collector of vintage tools, I’ve a soft spot for The Testing Of Eric Olthwaite.

I’m quite partial to ‘Across the Andes by Frog’.

Also Cleese’s defense of her isn’t exactly convincing. “I find her very efficient, clear-minded, hardworking, and pleasant to have dealings with” ... ok fine, but is she any good managing your money?

“Father thinks daughter is doing great, film at 11.”

Shush , Cleese and Idle will sue them over the bloody name if they find out it exists.

I think it crops up more in his Python diaries than in say “Erebus Story of a Ship” *.

Ee’s not dead. Ee’s stunned.