
You’re just wrong. Look into it even a little bit. The most common consequence of a dog bite is a lawsuit. IF a dog bites MULTIPLE people, is found to have rabies, is determined by local law enforcement to be a danger, THEN it gets put down. It’s just not “Oh, that dog bit someone? BLAMMO!”

If only the movie was as good as the poster.

If there was any justice...

Just FYI, as an outside observer, your comments come off like you’re the one trying to “win an argument on the internet.”

So the vast minority of dogs that are euthanized are because of violent behavior. Of the dogs that exhibit violent behavior, what percentage are taken to a shelter for treatment? (Hint: not the majority) In point of fact, the majority of violent dog attacks result in lawsuits, not “getting put down”.

For that reason, I’ll never understand anyone who loves film and television but shudders at the idea of a sporting event.

I mean even then, the answer is still that they’re afraid they’ll lose money.  The question comes from a POV of someone who has never been afraid of not having money and hasn’t ever had to live with consequences of having less money.  I’m not saying we need to cry for the poor studio execs, but just noting the

What’s going to happen if you do something brave?”

Her mom is melanie griffith, who is the daughter of tippi hedren, one of hitchcock’s go-to leading ladies

I just hope Madame Web is fun-bad, like Venom, and not bad-bad, like Morbius. 

What a dumb fucking article.

Genneya Walton HAS to be playing Ben Urich’s daughter from Daredevil. 

I’m going to speculate that Genneya Walton will be portraying someone connected to Ben Urich, maybe his daughter?

music by Grammy winners Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear

I dunno... I’ve watched Moana with my kids like 50 times, and Frozen maybe twice. I never even let them know Froze existed for like 5 years because I didn’t want to be hearing that damn song 20 times a day. On the whole, I like Moana way better. There’s no obvious (to adults) villain turn, and I think the plot/theme

Here’s the really big question, though: did he keep on doing it after being told that it was stupid? That makes a huge difference to whether or not your boss wants to keep being associated with you.

I didn’t say I didn’t care (way too much of my life is taken up with pop culture bullshit and I love it). I said nobody else is associating the act of commenting with bravery.

It’s funny that trans folks just plain break some people’s brains.

everyone is a member of EVERY “protected class” protected classes are sex, race, gender, national origin, disability, etc.

Gender applies to all genders: you can’t fire someone for being a man any more than you can fire them for being transgender or nonbinary or a woman.  You can’t fire a white person for their race

You realize you’re projecting with the “so brave” thing, right? Nobody else here is concerned with courage while shitposting on pop culture articles.