
Also, what does she hope will happen?”

Oh so she wants back in the hellscape that is woke liberal disney....Odd I thought she celebrated being freed and loved the freedom of Ben’s D list films. 

Was she fired though?

Sue them for what?

Nah, Musk hangs out with and collaborates with terrible people all the time!

Can’t believe this scam is still so effective.

Musk being dedicated to a workplace free of harassment and bullying is rich, considering how much Tesla has had to pay workers in lawsuits over racism and harassment.

Attorneys: “This is gonna cost an absolute boatload and there’s no chance we’ll win. Let’s do it.”

There are many, many layers of dumb here, but ironically, the only entity with a legal argument for free speech to be made here is Disney for firing Carano.

Looks like someone discovered that the right-wing media bubble didn’t pay as well as she’d hoped.

Wow, it’s not often that you get two people of such quality garbage-ness coming together to create bullshit.

Isn’t Musk kind of noted for firing people who say things he doesn’t like?

As a sign of X Corp’s commitment to free speech”

Elon Musk will do anything to be relevant.

Much to their chagrin, Paul and the gang realized they’d landed on LV-426 by mistake.

Lou Albano walked so Bob Hoskins could fly

Even so, I think you’re still inadvertently underselling Avatar. It’s immensely popular, but it’s got two entries in fifteen years. For comparison, The Hobbit was published in 1937, and LotR on about the same timeline as Avatar 2. The books were bestsellers and quite popular, but what did the cultural impact of them

Lololol Baron Harkonnen is literally just a ‘Lord Business’ repaint