
Seriously! I don’t doubt that Byrne was a control freak behind-the-scenes, but you’d never know that considering how loose the supporting musicians are onstage.

Was just going to comment this. The post-apocalyptic zombie show is a crowded market but this show is so superior to other shows. The economy with which it manages to build tension, the incredible cinematography. The scripts weren’t overwritten, the performances were pitch perfect. An unsentimental action drama in a

Yeah, honestly the worst ones to me were Flash followed by Shazam. Antman wasn’t bad, just meh, I thought Aquaman 2 was on par with the first one, Blue Beetle and Marvels were fine movies, GOTG3 to me was the best film of the trilogy, didn’t see Spiderverse.

Black Summer being canceled is the biggest bummer I can think of right now. That show was amazing! Way to go Netflix...

Actually, that is a federal court. Of course, it is also a Trump appointee.

I would’ve loved it if Picard S3's greatest achievement would’ve been to make sub rosa must-watch star trek.

The problem isn’t just desantis, it’s that too many people support his absurd and petty policies. The next governor is likely to be very similar. It’s a winning style down there.

Rebel Dawn was more their investing in Snyder, than them investing in sci-fi. It’s what, his third or forth thing for them?

my fun and horrible theory for Picard S3 was that Jack was either the child of the sex ghost or the sex ghost himself.

It’s always worth reminding people that when they say “ballot harvesting” they mean “voting.”  They just plain hate the idea that people get to vote.

Holy crap.

Deep State took ‘em, they’re in the basement of Comet Ping Pong.

I liked all the new characters in the sequels. I just wish they’d had more interesting things to do.

At least somebody got sued for this debacle. Embarrassingly, sued for plagiarism, but whatever.

Fucking WOW.

If Byrne was an “I don’t play the old stuff” guy that would make sense but he played the old stuff 8 times a week for several years recently. I don’t understand why it would kill them to do like five songs at a charity concert. He also can’t point to his contemporary bands and say their reunions went poorly,

RIGHT WING GRIFTERS: What does our base like now?

Oh no they have Jon Voight, whatever shall we dooooooo

I don’t see how that’s any different from casting Liv Tyler as Arwen, another “major” female character who barely appears in the source material.