
Yeah I think he was clearly talking off the cuff originally and clearly frustrated that he couldn’t work to promote his projects while the strike was on. still dumb but context is key.

Credit where credit is due, this dumb idiot said some stupid shit, but walking it all back (with a little face saving caveat) and joining the picket line is the right conciliatory measure.

Sadly, it’s a deeply flawed movie, despite the performances and actors. It feels like a movie that was written by a committee, who then shot half of it, and then the committee ran off with the script, so a second committee met in the room where the first committee met, and wrote a new script based on the notes they

Yeah, I think the more clearly they explain their position, the more people reject it. Republicans seem to do best when they lie about their positions.

but...i thought cryptocurrency was supposed to be totally transparent and traceable? wasn’t that the big selling point?

I remember discovering Cyberpunk literature at a young age, and while some of it was quite good, I don’t think I ever once thought that it would be cool to live in that kind of dystopian environment.

Most of Hot Wheels most famous cars are the custom ones they’ve made over the years.

So, if it’s a movie with Porsches and whatnot running around, it’s really going to miss the point.

the subsequent movies blew the “James Bond is a codename assigned to holders of the 007 license” fan theory out of the water

but bodysnatching a a rando gets you the hilarious scene of Steve trying on 80's fashion!!! That was certainly worth it, right?

The economy is identical right now as it was in 2018 *for people who spend 3,000/night at theme hotels*

Yep, this is pretty much in line with what the rest of the cast has said. I feel like they were more annoyed than they publicly let on by JJ announcing a 4th movie without bothering to speak to any of them.

I’d watch the shit out of Billy Bob Thornton playing Nightwing.

Disney’s business model for the last ten years has seemed to be, “Our demo is rich single people who grew up obsessed with our IP. We can charge them whatever we want and get away with it!

This is going to flop because no one is going to realize it’s NOT about the R&B singer.

Note the “accelerated deprecation” quote. That’s strategic language. Disney will use this as a tax write off, basically benefiting from it in the end. In another article on this matter:

It’s a shame they don’t revise the property to be just a Star Wars themed hotel for the guests of the park to stay there, removing the LARPing aspect. It would still be fun for fans and kids.

Nah it’s just funny to call it horse medicine.

Since when does The AV Club censor the word “fuck?”