
Also, as far as I can tell the movie has been filming more or less continuously since June 2021, presumably with an original release date planned for sometime last year. It’s been delayed repeatedly as the studio has responded to what it considers critical issues — reducing Amber Heard’s part due to the Depp bullshit,

“We can’t make movies without actors.  We can’t even market movies without actors.  But we don’t want to pay the actors.  And don’t even get me started on writers.”

‘making you’ 

If he isn’t, who is?

He’s on Cruise control!

Seriously, every time I’d see the new Dune logo I’d read it as “DUNC,” and I’d be like, man, they must be really playing up Momoa’s involvement on this one.

It’s like the fifth highest grossing movie of the entire past decade. And you’re mystified why he gets attention?


Join OUR discussion here, Tom Cruise!

Dune and Dunerer

The Dunining

Dune 2: Worm Harder

Dune Part Two?

sent to live with her estranged aunt (Alicia Silverstone)

I have a too big of a bladder and even in my case I canot hold it for a full film. The weird one here is you. 

I imagine he has a respect for Gerwig with her agent straight up coming out and saying her upcoming IP gigs is with the goal of making her a studio director with clout, which is why Nolan took the Batgigs. He knew crushing those movies meant WB would sign off on any resources he would want for Inception and beyond.

Full frontal female can be PG on occasion. The academy might not like nudity, but what it really hates (probably from homophobia) is male nudity.

Brief titties or ass and one or two f bombs = PG. Gratuitous titties, groinage of either sex = R.

Not sure about Nolan, but I’m sure Ben Shapiro is angrily pulling up his big boy chair to his computer desk as we speak.

My local AMC has an IMAX screen but it’s the only screen in the whole theater with old-fashioned movie seats. The idea of spending 3 hours in a movie theater in the middle of summer in a non-reclining chair... I just can’t do it. How big do directors think the average bladder is? We need to start bringing back