
Phase 4 is like a new phase 1, which didn’t have any real connective tissue either. I’m not worried.

Phase 3 ended a lot characters’ story arcs (and movie contracts), so Phase 4 introducing more new characters means less cross-over. Which is a funny complaint because ever since Spider-Man Homecoming I’ve read a lot of complaints in regards to letting characters have their own movie to their own damn selves.

Have we forgotten some of the missteps of the Infinity Saga? I think we look back on that with rose colored glasses. Everyone was mad when Age of Ultron came out and seemed to be not as good as everything else. People hated Thor: The Dark World. It was an excellent build with some wonderful parts, but it was not this

I loved Moon Knight. That and Loki were my favourites, so I think this is a case of YMMV.

I mean, didn’t they explicitly say that Phase 4 was going to be about everyone grappling with the struggle of getting back to life after The Snap, and dealing with the trauma and grief of both that and The Battle of Upstate New York?

He’s literally describing the plot of the movie. You sir, are an idiot 

I’m hardly Barsanti’s biggest fan, but he’s accurately describing the plot of the movie.

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that’s what sicario is about dumbass lol

You leave Rosamund alone. She’s my Maria Stark in the Mad Men Marvel series set in the 1960s

The whole person here who seems intent on parading their politics around is you...

Nah. You love it. You love getting to pretend like you’re above it all and better than everyone else.

I don’t see how she’s wrong. She’s obviously talking about the Strong Female Lead(tm), not powerful women in the abstract.

Could be similar to ‘Born in the USA’ where some people think it’s a patriotic anthem.

‘cooked up with unemployed anti-zealots’

“hey don’t you try to ignore me when I’m whining to you about how few shits I give” LOL

He was well-known to be a snake oil salesman LONG before the election.

Actual no reason to call her out. He managed to trick her into believing he was a good person, he showed his true colors during this election, so she changed her mind about how she feels about him.

Why can’t you accept that sometimes we change our opinions about other people?

There are valid reasons to call out Oprah in regards to Dr. Oz, but they’re for bringing him to national prominence in the first place and giving him an unquestioning platform to shill his snake oil, not for endorsing Fetterman over him.

For someone that claims to give zero shits, he sure whines a lot.