“They killed Batgirl, but Keanu Reeves is out walking around?”
“They killed Batgirl, but Keanu Reeves is out walking around?”
“surprisingly jacked” is the phrase you are looking for.
When I first saw Gunn’s tweet confirming the news the first reply was a Snyderbro posting an old pic of Gunn and Snyder together and saying now Gunn can bring Snyder back. Snyderbros are delusional.
Yeah that’s spot on - DC have a deal with Robinson that he has to sign off on any appearance of the character.
Meh. Bad blood or creating villains is mostly a creation of the fan community. Marvel lent Gunn a camera team to film the JL cameos at the end of Peacemaker because the WB team couldn’t be around to get coverage. We like to pretend they’re constantly fighting, but they’re not.
It says “Hey, my head belongs on Easter Island! Check out my snazzy silver dildo hat!
Gunn is possibly the best choice to satisfy all parties involved; he’s made $$$ for the suits, told stories for the fans, used obscure characters correctly for the nerds, and wrote good parts for the stars.
One Year Later...
“It’s just a jump to the left
$100 says that the he is the “funny” mid credits stinger. Telling the convoluted story of what he did while everyone else was on their Quantum adventure
If I had to guess it’s because of Kathryn Newton’s experience in stunt work. She has a whole career littered with shows that do physical stunts and she is a real life athlete.
I think she was only signed for Endgame. I’ll miss the girl who played Cassie in the first two movies; she was a delight.
Are those Micronauts?
I’m in. The Ant-Man movies have been consistently entertaining.
Both RTD and Moffat, for all their faults, bring a joy, excitement, humor, and energy to their scripts that Chibnall has not produced once in his tenure. They are also both capable of producing some pretty outstanding highs, which again, Chibnall has just not been able to produce.
Sure, except for the fact the RTD era is highly rated and considered one of the peaks of the entire show’s history.
He’s playing the Fourteenth Doctor (yes, it’s not Tenth revival), it’s likely because of degeneration mentioned in tonight’s episode, he’s back officially to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the BBC and the 60th anniversary of the show but in reality it’s to wash the bad taste of the last few years of terrible…
tj miller puzzled as to why everyone is giving him the attention he was begging for
I prefer Murder, She Wrote.
I heard Tarantino based that one scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood on the time Lansbury drove out to the ranch to get her daughter and wound up having to kick the shit out of Clem Grogan and make him change her tire.