For me, AFCW, it’s a meatier / starring role and she’s just amazing, don’t get me wrong, she’s terrific in TP, but Wanda has:
For me, AFCW, it’s a meatier / starring role and she’s just amazing, don’t get me wrong, she’s terrific in TP, but Wanda has:
My favorite part about that was Siskel and Ebert’s reaction: Ebert was flattered to be in a Godzilla movie while Siskel was baffled as to why Emmerich went to the trouble of putting them in the movie and not have Godzilla kill them.
And Roland Emmerich’s Godzilla (1998) featured an incompetent Mayor Ebert and his assistant Gene, presumably because Gene Siskel & Roger Ebert never seemed to like Emmerich’s films.
Pauline Kael gave Star Wars a negative review in 1977, so George Lucas waited a decade and named the skull-masked evil general in Willow after her.
We jumped into her kart away we started rollin’
“Listen, I’ve got the HOA bylaws in my hand right here, I don’t see a single statute against arcane hex magic”
As another elderly Millennial, it's Captain Lou Albano or bust, paisanos!
Mojo Nixon. And if it doesn’t have Mojo Nixon then this movie could use some fixin’.
“Wario, if he appears, may fart.”- The last words of Queen Elizabeth the Second.
And as I recall, I think casual sex with no strings attached was supposed to be established as just being good recreation for crew members stuck in spacecrafts. Supposedly, basically everyone on the crew had slept with each other. I think there was even a piece of dialogue establishing Ripley’s growing suspicions of…
That’s all he wears any more.
Ridley Scott in hooker boots? Wow!
Also, it’s “Shulkie,” not “Shulky.” This nickname goes back decades.
Quick note: although very obscure, Luke Jacobson is also a pre-existing Marvel character.
I don’t know how excellent it was (in terms of authenticity; it sounded a lot like a lot of the UK kids I went to high school with pretending to do an American accent), but it was indeed hilarious.
It happens! Honestly I was super excited just because Mr. Immortal is the first time we’ve seen a member of the Great Lakes Avengers in the MCU. Can my all-time favorite Squirrel Girl be far behind?
sheesh, you’re right, i AM mistaken--should have been more specific in terms of guest stars/GLK&H clients
First comics character the show has introduced you to that wasn’t already in the MCU? You mean besides the Wrecking Crew and Titania, right?
Yes, if you cut out the entire movie, there isn’t much left of the film. Complaining about the nostalgia in No Way Home is like complaining about the silliness in The Suicide Squad. It’s the movie they decided to make.