
Shall we have a pool how many minutes this lasts?

I’m not a republican, and you can thank republicans for that.

I think the other post is about the Two Black Swans episode and it’s was a pretty consistent characterization that Jenna was a terrible, insensitive person. This one is even more layered as a joke considering the Amos & Andy Show was a real thing and one of the most popular TV shows of it’s time. The set up of the

“Liz Lemon said something along the lines of, I’m not a crazy liberal. I just think people should drive hybrid cars.”

“Calls Senate candidate J.D. Vance a “rich twat....I mean, I’m a rich twat, but I’m not running for office pretending that I’m not.””

I’ve spent my whole life thinking Jennifer Lawrence was English and I have absolutely no idea why. I mean, of course she isn’t, she didn’t start her career in either The Bill or Doctors, and has never been in Doctor Who for that matter, she’s always sounded American, and, um, well, I guess I’m just an idiot. So that’s

Yeah I’m Black and the Rue outcry was sooo telling. My favorite was a tweet that was like “you made us care about Rue then told us she was Black!” And I feel like that sums up the whole outcry, they’re soooo mad at being prompted to care about non-white people.

Thanks for sharing, although I’m not sure that has anything to do with this article or post.

you show him some goddamn respect as someone who is single-handedly trying to mitigate our global under-population problem LOL.  Seriously, fuck this guy and his verbal diarrhea.  I hate when people compare him to Tony Stark because Tony Stark (pre-Pepper) would be too busy out drinking and whoring to share his cold

Gaiman (as usual) had the best response.

Creator: “Here are my three characters: Steve, Kevin, and John”
Fanboys: Cool, love it!”

I dont have a problem with it so far, but basically everyone so far seems useless except Galadriel and the Dwarven Queen. Dwarf king seems like a baby, his elf friend is a jerk, elf king is a fool and jerk. Halfors are all cowardly characters except that one girl who is helping the wizard.

Please stop paying attention to this attention-whore racist labor-stealing pile of shit.

That’s alright, neither does he.

Cost Valve millions huh?

“If you could read minds, you wouldn't game at all" wow so insightful

So your comment amounts to this: we should either individually criticize every single one of the thousands and thousands and thousands of developers, or just not criticize at all

There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding about how popular Valve/Steam is (very) and how popular Domina was (not very). Like I’m sure it was mildly/pretty successful, but delisting 1 game because the dev won’t stop habitually line stepping is unlikely to affect Steam’s bottom line very much. If anything,

Why are all these transphobic dickhead weirdos all the same KIND of transphobic dickhead weirdo? They never seem to log off.

Before the MAGA cult starts whining about the First Amendment: