
A. As somebody who has had to deal with that disingenuous-ness in person, I’ve found that re-iterating up front can cut off some of the less committed trolls. YMMV, and I can see why others wouldn’t bother.

You may be shocked to learn that many creative types indulge in the occasional marijuana cigarette.

yeah it’s not like potheads (even though it’s a pretty insane judgment to make about two guys who just seem to be having a bit of fun with their clothes at a premiere)are underrepresented in hollywood, directing especially.

Five features (not counting Batgirl), two shorts, and several TV episodes, including two for Ms. Marvel, which they also executive produced.

According to Variety, whose sources I trust more than the New York Post, it wasn’t about the quality of the film but a continuation of Zaslov’s slash and burn reorganizing of the film and TV division. He wants all DC stuff to be huge theatrical releases, not mid-budget direct to HBO Max releases. Not only does not

Supes in the commerical seemed very Superman like. Plus I love the interaction of Krypto picking him off his bed and dropping him on his head so he would wake up to take him for a walk.

there’s no excuse for Disney not hiring the proper number of VFX artists

The film? You think this only happened once?

...and Superman is a DICK!”

He’s more Rocket Raccoon than Rescue Rangers. Ch’p (as he’s known in the comics) has been in the Green Lantern Corps for 40 years. 

The small but devoted Krypto Fan Club!

Chip the squirrel? Okay, I see you, DC.

I had no intention of seeing this, but Marc Maron as Lex Luthor? Okay, I’ll at least watch it on streaming. (...probably while high)

You would think that!  <3

Superman is so lame. 

Esp since at $600 million, that’s around the break-even point for the movie, so even if it doesn’t climb much higher, no one’s head will roll over it. L&T in any case should land somewhere close to Ragnarok’s domestic take, which is pretty good considering The Dark World 11 years ago took in a meek $209 million

He cobbled together enough third hand accusations against Johns to get an article written that boiled down to “He wanted the lead of Krypton to look like Henry Cavill and he actually listened to the people who complained about Cyborg’s lack of genitalia when people complained about it when Johns first added him to the

Snyder is actually an interesting creative with distinct vision

FWIW, if Snyder were to return to the pacing and style seen in his Dawn of the Dead remake (which was FAR better than it had any right to be), I’d be all for it. After 300 he went full “auteur, kinda, but broad and shitty” to an extent I can’t really get into.

An additional $73 million should make a film better. Had Joss been give another $73 million and unlimited time the theatrical version would have been better too, but probably wouldn’t have done an extended slow motion Flash sequence.