
It’s probably for the best to not have to describe their brown girl Muslim superhero as “inhuman” anyway.

There are two times I’ve actually liked the Inhumans. Most recently was the arc in Ultimate Fantastic Four (where Johnny is convinced he loves Crystal but in the end when she has to go back.. well, maybe it wasn’t REALLY love, there are other girls.

So many people pretending they care about the Inhumans right now. Guys, just say you hate the show because you’re racist. I’d actually have more respect for that position.

Oh and I forgot to mention that, for being largely a bookend character only mattering in the first episode and this one, it actually does reveal a lot about Zoe’s character. Not only was she not willing to cooperate with Damage Control in general but the reveal that she knew, all along, it was Kamala and not only did

Yo, Che was Argentinian not Cuban (phrasing)

I adore this man.

It seems a little weird to claim that the Netflix shows can’t be canon, because otherwise Echo should have known that Fisk was a bad guy. Echo certainly understood that Fisk was a powerful criminal — she and her father were working with him. What was news to her wasn’t that he was a “bad guy,” but that he was a bad

Why, that’s just regular court clerks but with tomato and sour cream.

yeah i’m baffled by everyone in the replies praising it. it ruined smith for me. aside from just being an ugly, creatively bankrupt movie it completely undercuts the message of the first movie.

It sucked.

I’ll say it again: Why in the world do you care that movies you don’t like are making more money than ones you do?

Crowded out? It is maybe three films a year. There are plenty of other good films, even more if you count streaming. The anxiety about the MCU is so overblown. 

Agreed. I mean, I enjoyed Goodfellas more for it’s film style and soundtrack because it’s played up like fast-paced, punk style dark comedy as opposed to any self-serious glorification of mafioso goombahs that lived with some thin, vague sense of a code like the Godfather movies. Even though the Godfather is

Yeah that makes sense. Certain western movies back then were kinda like a theme park ride themselves. I appreciate the perspective

You are confusing the high quality Westerns we love today with the shovelware garbage that filled theaters in the 1950s. They were absolutely not character driven or slow -- lots of train robberies, midday shootouts and killing native Americans.

We wore an onion on our belt which was the style at the time 

I think a better comparison is Westerns, which were everywhere for several decades, and we rightly can’t remember most of them.

But we also got some amazing movies out of it that we do remember and, in later waves, reactions to those films that are arguably even better.

No one is going to remember Thor: Dark World (we

It is what the audience wants. That audience isn’t just the American audience, though, which is a minority of the audience for many films now.

It’s a lot easier and more cost effective to make big films that almost everyone around the world can see than to try to do a lot of small targeted projects and just write off

What rankings are you using. From a domestic standpoint, John Wick 3, 1917, Us, It: Chapter 2, and Knives Out all did better than Once Upon a Time in Hollywood did and I would think of all of those as adult-oriented personally. Joker as well but not counting that since it is a comic book offshoot.

Yeah, shit, when’s the next SFW, Nothing But Trouble, or Stop Or My Mom Will Shoot going to come out?! Where’s the next Toys?