that lipstick tho
that lipstick tho
I’m just going to come out and say it:
I really don’t understand this marketing campaign for The Flash.
Can also apply to all the people who eat at Chick-Fil-A and say “but I just go to get the good chicken!”
You’re missing the point. I don’t care what Pratt does. Even if he’s super nice, even if he’s super mean. Even if he visits hospitals as Star-Lord, which he does and I think is great. That’s not even slightly relevant to me. He’s a multi-millionaire. He gives to his church. His church gives to conversion therapy. He…
he got called out by Elliot Paige for endorsing a homophobic church, and Pratt brushed it off that his church welcomes everyone. Which it does, but it states it does not condone queerness. It doesn’t just fall on Pratt, but it’s a basic apologist move on his part, and maybe there’s a fear this would keep sucking in…
I always thought it was part of a long term plan to get into politics. Trade in for a younger, more reserved spouse (a Kennedy!), gradually introduce the importance of Jesus in his life in regular conversation? Seems a good start.
Underrated Chrises:
Hey if Hollywood gonna vomit up a dumb guy every thirty minutes, maybe that’s the place that should pace itself.
So he’s not religious or spiritual but he believes in God and regularly attends church, and he’s not homophobic but he’s turning a blind eye to homophobia because he likes his church and his pastor and homophobia doesn’t really affect him. Got it.
Multiverses is infinite. Presumably, if they went to enough of them they’d find a different Christine, different Strange. They touched on the idea that some universes are super similar and some super different. We saw this in Loki as well and He Who Remains sort of eluded to the different variants he has from…
One of the things about Wandavision that I noted at the time, was that while a lot of people took the ending as her healing from trauma, she actually ends up in a darker place. She never even thinks that she should be answering for her crimes, or work with the town to make amends. She just leaves and goes off to…
“Ezra, where do you put all the weed and guns?”
Yeah, I mean people forget that Jim Jones built affordable nursing homes for the elderly, led the fight for desegregation in Indianapolis, and then poisoned 900 people in a Guyana swamp.
Except there was actual proof, well in advance, of Trump’s attempts to steal an election. What we have here is a lot of accusation and some disturbing but *currently unverified* claims. They’re not “fucking ghouls” for tip-toeing around a situation that has no definitive edges and that could potentially land them in…
That’s giving Elvis too much credit. Seriously.
And also Cast Away, where he enslaves Wilson before leaving him to die out at sea.
Bigoted, pathetic, reactionary—why wouldn’t he be a gamer?
Why would Ted gaming surprise you? He's close to my age and I game far too much. Plus the Venn Diagram of Ted Cruz Terrible Traits and Gamer Terrible Traits has a bunch of overlap.
Pay to win: It’s just like lobbying!