“and shang chi was as much a direct sequel to iron man 3 as it was it’s own thing”
“and shang chi was as much a direct sequel to iron man 3 as it was it’s own thing”
Men seem to be able to do it.
On the Young Avengers side, I’m guessing that some version of Hulkling shows up in Secret Invasion or The Marvels.
Hardly any of the characters that have made billions of dollars were well known by the general public prior to 2008. Nobody in the general public knew who Thanos was, regular people had never heard of the Infinity Gauntlet. Sure, some of us bought it in the grocery store when it originally came out and have it on our…
It still blows my mind that no only did we get connected Marvel movies that they led up to as crazy shit as doing a version of fucking Infinity Gauntlet and that THANOS became a household name. We live in crazy times
Loki wasn’t Loki until he was Loki. Same with Thanos, really. The vast majority of people going to see the Avengers didn’t know who that guy was at the end of the movie. The amount of people who know these villains from the comics is fairly small. They can make it work by presenting him as a threat, though as you note…
“Casual” fans had no idea who Thanos was in 2012 either.
But complaining and impatience is what being a fan on the internet is all about!
Shouldn’t you be somewhere else defending alcoholic wife beaters who sometimes pretend to be pirates
“Let me run this by our monkey guy to make sure it’s okay”
Running a cartoon monkey by Disney’s animal consultants, as they would for any primate inclusions is just about the funniest thing I’ve seen today. Absolutely soul crushingly hilarious.
Prince Alei... a-Babwa?
Not this shit again. Look as George Lucas has explained, The Phantom Menace, was written with children in mind. So it only makes sense that you would have a slapstick character like Jar Jar Binks, a kid pod-racing pilot with a Dorothy Hamil haircut, and a plot revolving around a trade dispute over the taxation of…
Scary Muppets and Space Wizards is now going to be the name of an table top RPG that I am going to write
What about Prince Alei (fabulous he)?
Action focused on mundane shit you say? How about a trade dispute?
No matter what happens, a vocal percentage of people will be gigantic dicks about it.
Kennedy was really the worst of the v-jays in the 90s MTV era. I even preferred Jesse, and no one liked him.
If he really goes in a new direction and does a good job (which I believe he will), I wonder what the fan response will be. The consensus a lot of the time is, “no more skywalkers, jedi, sith, etc... Explore the rest of the universe.” I’ve said the same myself. If Waititi does this successfully, will they still…
I’m not a game dev, but in ERP development (boring business software stuff), the idea is that there’s so many bugs and only so much developer’s time to fix them, so they don’t want QA interacting with devs because they fear a dev will just go off and fix the bug mentioned by a QA person without management getting a…