
“Because who would believe it. We did exhaust every avenue pre-trial that this case didn’t have merit so now there was no option for it to come out other than at trial. And by the way it was the Plaintiff who introduced this into the trial.”

And just imagine someone over 30 playing a video game?

Exactly, adults who enjoy anything outside of their designated age range is frankly weird and creepy.

Wait, you didn’t see ‘Ghostbusters Go to Hell’? Is this some kind of weird Mandela Effect thing and I’m now in a timeline where that movie didn’t come out?

I will laugh if they reverentially treat Ghostbusters 2 as great film with deep lore that needs to be recycled for two hours of the fake Spielberg treatment.

“Vigo the Carpathian -- was in TWO PAINTINGS!”

I considered going but the sheer volume and obnoxiousness of that many young people made me straight up turn around. I’ve never seen such a noisy lobby before.

The monkey’s finger curls, a pale voice whispers “your wish is granted,” and we get a Ghostbusters Afterlife sequel…

Netflix have proportionally very low levels of debt now - debt/EBITDA is around 1 - after a year and a half of steadily paying down debt. Revenues are increasing. In real, core terms even subscriber numbers are still increasing, once you factor out the Russian embargo (which is unlikely to be repeated with other major


It’s funny how all of your “favorite shows” got shitcanned because no one but you and a handful of people were watching them but somehow we’re all assholes for not agreeing with you.

I feel like they have a good argument for it.

WB Exec: It turns out that due to time travel shenanigans, The Flash movie was actually released 15 years ago, and it has subsequently been locked in the Disney Vault.

Warner Bros. set to announce that T.J. Miller will be taking over the Flash franchise.

You have a higher chance of going to Hawaii and getting attacked by Ezra Miller than you do getting attacked by a shark.

1. I’m not convinced that is everything I need to know.

Yeah, it’s an odd thing to say, since the “better than Thor” category also includes “most of the Marvel films.”

If Zack Snyder passionately cared about these characters, then he wouldn’t have consistently made choices that ran counter to the values of the comics. Choices made solely to provoke, for no good reason. Killing Jimmy Olsen in BvS when any nameless CIA goon could have filled in that role. Pairing a naive and clueless

You’re close. Now make all those dudes women and we’ll be set.

I really thought they were turning the corner with Shazam. It was so much fun.

This would be the same number of superheroes, though.