
You are an idiot. “They” is regularly used as both a single or a plural pronoun.

Yes, miller came out as nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns. The AV Club is just following that (as they should). I’m not sure what you’re getting at with the Linklater thing, since as far as I’m aware he uses he/him pronouns (or at least hasn’t made any public statements to the contrary).

The disingenuousness of people acting like the use of “they” as a singular pronoun, which has been a part of our language forever, is somehow confusing is fucking obnoxious!

You tedious little shit.

Most of the area near the Hilo airport is industrial and Margarita Village (not a karaoke bar... though they do have karaoke Sundays) is a pretty typical bar in the area. The big island isn’t super touristy like Waikiki.

I get that new concepts and words can be hard. The singular “they” in English only goes back to the 14th century

Oh fuck right off.

Learn English. They is a very common singular pronoun, and has been long before trans folk started using it.

So, this is going to make me sound way more interested in this than I am, but curiosity caused me to look up which karaoke bar in Hilo they were arrested at, and the only bar on Silva St I could find was Margarita Village, a strip mall bar in an industrial area next to the airport. The article on Miller attacking the

Waterston and Sudol were the heart of the first two films, and if Waterston’s role is diminished, so is my interest. But, really, I’m out regardless. Fuck JK Rowling. She won’t get a penny from me. (Not that the first two installments had me clamoring for more, exactly.)

That’s unpossible!

Something tells me that the marketing for The Flash is going to be relying even more heavily on Michael Keaton than it is already. 

Maybe Ezra Miller is just a huge asshole?

Am I alone in wondering why Ezra Miller chooses to stay in hostels? Especially hostels in Hawaii?

Sadly for Miller, Affluenza is only legally recognised in Texas.

All jokes aside, it’s sure starting to seem like Miller needs some mental health assistance. I hope they get it.

Based on this article, we’re all Better Than Ezra.

For every month that The Flash is not released, Ezra Miller will attack someone.

Were they arrested screaming “do you know who I am, I won the Oscars Cheer Moment” by any chance?

The greatest trick The Devil  pulled is convincing us He’s a Fantastic Beast