
So he spent 5 hours on his Skyrim profile and then just hit “Default.”

Now playing

I’m okay with how the story here went, with Rey’s parents, various plot holes, the offing of Snoke™ without us getting to ever find out what mystery box he came out of. I really am fine with it all because I haven’t seen the final film yet. Who knows how these things may or may not wrap up nicely in the end.

Wait, is Johnson really saying that Abrams did not decide who her parents were when writing the Force Awakens, and just left that open?

It would be great if there are several deleted scenes with the actors trying out different parental possibilities...

She should have been Kylo’s father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate.

To be fair, it was moving much more slowly. If I throw a bullet at you, it won’t do nearly as much damage as it would if I fired a bullet at you.

Are you really arguing that in the thousands of years of history in the SW universe, NOBODY has ever thought of kamikazee’s before? They have disposable robot troops in the universe that could be forced to suicide and in EpIV the Empire was destroying entire planets. Are we expected to believe that they wouldn’t

Hyperdrives are cheap enough that they’re on every junk freighter we ever see, and can be repaired with part that are just lying around.

Yes, I meant that it would be the SIZE of a porg, not a literal porg, which would itself be vaporized. And though my specifics are off, you still admit that it would always be a “winning tactic.”

Instead of sacrificing a capital ship, you could just put hyperdrives on asteroids. Sacrificing the cost of an expensive hyperdrive to destroy an enemy capital ship seems like a great deal.

If only it was a character that we had spent more than five minutes with. Then there may have been more of an emotional impact. No offense to Holdo, but I wish they had given that moment to Admiral Ackbar.

I can’t be the only one hoping that Detective Pikachu is a hard-boiled, noir detective thriller.

I also think he is openly inviting title suggestions for the next movie. I will humbly submit Avengers: Infinity War 2, Avenger Boogaloo.

Clerks was shot in New Jersey...

I shot the clerk?

Fuck that. Ralph Macchio’s career ended when he got arrested for shooting the clerk in Alabama.

It wasn’t till the end of this episode that I realized I was absolutely riveted the whole time. The direction, the characters and, Oh my God, the music!

It seems like someone said “Man, could anything be poorly run as the DCEU?” and Universal’s Dark Universe said “Hold my beer..”

Are you saying the Dark Universe is having a good-hair day?

Dark Universe status: